Friday, April 8, 2016

Silver Metallic Jacket

I have been doing a "Spring Jacket Series" and so far  I have shown you three jackets:  a Blush Jacket, a Brown Jacket, and a White Jacket.  

Today, I have a Silver Metallic Jacket on, except you would never know it by these pictures because it looks white.  But trust me, in real life, it's a metallic silver.  This jacket was a gift to me from my husband years ago.  I remembered when I first opened the box and saw it, I was a bit stunned.  I wanted to be nice and encouraging for he actually went shopping and picked something out for me, something I've wanted him to do for awhile.   But at the time, I wasn't sure I liked it.  I thought it looked and felt like a spaceman's suit.  I wasn't as into fashion as I am now, so I was really unsure how to style it.  So I googled "How to wear a metallic jacket" and I got lots of ideas and ended up really liking this jacket.  

Because this jacket is a metallic silver, it actually goes with just about anything, just like a silver purse or silver shoes go with anything.  I think the first time I wore it with black skinnies and used it more as an indoor blazer in winter.  Today I used as a spring jacket and paired it with a dark denim pencil skirt (Old Navy) and a blush T-Shirt (old, Express).

The blush top has a chiffon neckline and silver rhinestones on the sleeves.  I thought the silver rhinestones echoed the silver in the jacket beautifully.

 The jacket is nicely fitted, yet still has plenty of room so I feel comfortable in it.

Shoes are by Nine West (old, Younkers).

 I kept playing off the silver and wore a large feather shaped silver bracelet on my wrist.

What do you think of the creepy old barn I'm standing in front of?  It's actually only a few feet from the edge of my property.  I said on Instagram it looked like a building that would be in "The Walking Dead";  I kept waiting for a zombie to come out and eat me for lunch.  I actually think it's quite beautiful and I love it...even though it creeps me out.  Someday I'll grab my DSLR and take lots of artistic, fun photos of it.

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Cool barn even though it may be a bit creepy!

    And I really like the jacket! Silver is definitely unusual, but I can totally see how it goes with about everything! And even more special since your husband picked it out!

    Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Oh, and I really like the shoes!

  3. First, I like the barn. There's something cool about taking fashion shots near old, dilapidated buildings. A juxtaposition of sort. Second, your jacket is nice. Good you kept it.

  4. That jacket is just so cool! Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose NEW POST

  5. What a great metallic jacket, and so perfect for spring. I'm also loving your sandals!

  6. Great fit on your jacket and I love your sandals! I need a pedicure! Yours looks great.
    Enjoy your weekend!
    jess xx

  7. Love the style of the jacket and it looks great paired with the pencil skirt.
    The old barn makes a great backdrop. I am one that would fear a human burglar or other criminal though over a zombie LOL.

  8. Great photo-shoot , and your look is fabulous. Casual and relaxed and stylish. Thanks for linking, xo


  9. I think the barn provides a great backdrop! Things like that always creep me out too, lol.


  10. I like the barn for your your photo backdrop! Love your metallic jacket! Perfect for spring!

    Doused In Pink

  11. What a fun jacket!

  12. That is the perfect, understated shade of silver. Thanks for adding your style flair to the My Refined Style Linkup.



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