Once a month I like to share my Bible Journaling Pages and what God has been teaching me. In the month of February I finished the book of Acts and Romans and just started 1 Corinthians. Sometimes I just color in the preprinted images of the "Inspire Bible" (available on Amazon) and I also create my own pages.
Unless otherwise stated, all the images are colored in with either gel pens or colored pencils. I tend to color larger areas with pencils then get the more intricate spots with pens. I high light my Bible with gel highlighters, and I usually use gelatos or craft paint for my backgrounds.
This month ya'll get to be blessed with two Bible Journaling posts as I fell behind in my posts a few months ago and I have been trying to play catch up.
For the month of February, I only have one page I created myself and the rest are pre-printed pages. I was away on winter break in February making it difficult for me to create my own pages. However, I still read my Bible everyday and colored in the images hearing the still small voice of God as I colored.
Let's walk through what God has spoken to me during the month of February.
My first page is the page I created myself. Using pencils I colored in a photo of someone getting baptized and then hand wrote the verse in. I love how this translation asks "What are you waiting for?" I have heard that some people are "waiting till they get it all together" before accepting Jesus. They do not know that they can come to Jesus just as they are and that He will put their life back together for them. Other people want to continue to enjoy the carnal things of this life, and maybe accept Jesus when they are the older. Those people don't know all the joys knowing Jesus can bring and the hardships they will be saved from, if they accept Him in their youth. No matter what the reason, there is no excuse, if you haven't already, accept Him NOW. There is nothing worth waiting for.

In Acts 27 Paul was about to be shipwrecked and the ship's crew was terrified. But Paul had a promise from God that he would live so he could stand before Caesar, so he was not afraid. He told the crew "I Believe God". No matter what the storms around him, Paul knew he would survive because God promised him something. Have you ever received a promise from God and then storms came and you started to doubt God's promise? Don't despair, continue to believe!
It was wonderful to be in the book of Romans during the month of February: the month of love, although I didn't plan it that way. Romans has so many great verses of God's love for us. Romans 8:28 is perhaps the most famous verse in the book of Romans, so that was a great idea for the Inspire Bible to choose it for their title page. I have quoted and reminded myself of this verse many times in my life when bad things were happening. This is a great verse for every Christian to memorize to help you through hard times.
Even though there are a lot of great love verses in the book of Romans, its main theme is GRACE. The righteousness of God is available to anyone through faith in Jesus Christ. We can do nothing to earn this grace. It is freely given by believing in Jesus.
Ah, another love verse. Have you ever questioned God's love for you? I'm sure we all have at some point in our lives, especially if we grew up with an unloving parent. When or if we question God's love, remind yourself of this verse. God sent His own son to suffer and die for you so you could spend eternity with Him! Such love!
Sometimes it can seem as if God is very far away, especially during the uncertain times we are living in now. Turn on any mainstream media and it seems the whole world is against Christians or Christianity. It can be terrifying hearing the awful things the world says about us. But then I'm reminded of this verse, another famous verse in the Bible: "If God is for us, who can ever be against us?". We have the almighty king, the creator on our side, He is our protector and our provider! The world can do nothing to us that He does not allow. He is our defender! He will defend us from the harsh words and behavior of the world, if not now, then at judgement time.

Are you struggling to continue to have faith in God with all the bad news in the world? Well then you need to read the Bible or get your butt back in church if you got in the habit of not going because of Covid. "Faith comes from hearing the word of God" and you hear the word by reading your Bible or listening to believers preach the word of God.

Ooh, this is a good one. I could write ten pages on this verse alone. This is often a topic of conversation I have with my hubby and other believers. Have you noticed how the church is sounding and looking more and more like the world? That's because they are copying "the behavior and customs of the world". Instead of strictly adhering to the God's word they are influenced by the culture, which causes them to transition from a Biblical world view to a secular world view. This can happen to any believer if they are not careful. How can we avoid this? Spend more time in God's word than you do watching tv or on social media. Then you will be able to spot the difference of how God thinks and the world thinks.

This is a good verse to memorize for such a time as this. With war looming, inflation, crime, gas prices rising, etc. etc. etc, we can pray that God will give us joy and peace because we trust in Him to take care of us. We can do nothing to stop a war or keep prices from rising, so why worry about it? Of course we can do practical things like write our congressman and curb spending, but overall the best thing we can do is pray.

Paul wrote the book of 1 Corinthians for a church in Corinth that was having some problems. There were cultural conflicts within the church between the Jews and the Gentiles that Paul was helping them work through. He gave a lot of practical advice and encouraged them to "live in harmony with each other". We have seen so much division in our churches the past few years. It just goes to show you things haven't changed that much in 2000 years. We must remember no matter what our political opinions are we can be united in one thing: That Jesus died for us and we need to carry on His saving message to the rest of the world.
And finally my last page, and what a great page to end on! I pray that everyone who has read this post today has been blessed and received some peace. This verse is my prayer for all of you!
Have a Great Day! Amy
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