Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How to Make a Spring Wreath in Minutes

I love to  craft but what I don't like is anything that is too time consuming or costly.  Like everyone else, I am always pressed for time, and also, quite often the supplies to make something cost more than the finished product.  Today I have a spring wreath to show you that cost me nothing because I used supplies I already had and it took all of ten minutes to put together.

I received this very small grapevine wreath as a gift from a friend.  She had it beautifully decorated with sunflowers and it hung on a wall in my house till the flowers faded from the sun.  Eventually, I knew it's time had come, so I pulled off the old decorations. I thought the grapevine wreath was still re-usable and since it was winter, I  just wrapped some glitter holly berries around it and hung it on my porch.  This is what it looked like during the winter season:

Well now that it is spring, I wanted a spring wreath for my porch.  So off the holly berries came and this is what is left of my wreath.

Now I don't have a huge storage of artificial flowers, but I always save pieces from other arrangements that are still in good shape and re-usable.  I have a small tote of spring flowers, a small tote of summer flowers, and one large tote of greenery.  Fall and Christmas florals are another story:  I have more totes of those than I can count!

I picked colors that I thought would compliment the red and white colors of my porch, and were also typically known to bloom in spring.

I also picked three different colors and three different shapes, plus a green plant.  It's always best to work in odd numbers when creating a floral arrangement of any kind.

Because purple and red look great together, and lilacs bloom in spring, I chose three sprigs of lilac flowers.  I also chose this flower for it's cylinder shape.

My only tool I used was wire cutters to cut the stems to the length I needed.  I did not hot glue any of the flowers in place, because I want to be able to take them out and replace them with summer flowers later in the season.

I simply stuck the three stems right into the grapevine wreath where I wanted them, making sure they were nice and snug.

Next, I picked a round shape flower, hydrangeas, that were a lighter purple than the lilacs and I placed them right in the center of the lilacs.  I thought it was a great filler and kind of acted like a bow because it was right in the center where I would normally put a bow if I used one, and it also beautifully filled in the space because of it's roundness.

Then I thought the wreath needed more greenery.  I had one interesting green plant in my stash so I decided to use it.  I cut it in half, then used the floral portion of that stem by the hydrangea and the leafy portion by the lilac on the left.  Can you see it?  It's a lime green color.

By now, my wreath was looking too purple to me and needed some color.  Because the center of the hydrangea flowers were yellow,  I thought my yellow tulips that I used in my Easter Centerpiece (see that post HERE), would work perfectly.  I hated to cut them, but I did anyway because I've already gotten my money's worth out of this bouquet of tulips numerous times.

Once every flower was in place, I felt one more lilac was needed to fill out the wreath, so I added it on the bottom.

And with the addition of the three pretty tulips, my wreath was done.  I thought of adding ribbon, but I liked the way it looked without it.  I also liked just leaving a third of the grapevine exposed rather than covering the entire wreath.

I then hung the wreath outside on my side porch.  Because I re-used supplies, it didn't cost me anything, so I'm not worried if the elements damage it a bit.  It is under a porch awning, but strong winds or sunlight could do some harm, so I would never want to put something costly here.

I also made a swag using the same techniques HERE in case you missed that post.

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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  1. So pretty Amy! Love this DIY Spring Wreath! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! <3

  2. this wreath is so beautiful and perfect for spring!

    cute & little

  3. The idea of changing old decorations and create a totally new wreath is very good!
    You did a great job... I love beauty in every of its forms!!

  4. That turned out so well! I love the bright spring colors and flowers you chose!

  5. It's very lush and full and I love the contrast against the red wood.

  6. The wreath turned out beautiful! Love the purple, yellow and green color combo! What a great idea to re-decorate for each season.

  7. This is SO pretty! I need to get my Spring wreath out still... I have done this before, especially to old wreaths I don't use anymore that I have in storage!


  8. Such a simple and pretty wreath you made Amy! Thanks so much for sharing them with our party! Pinning:).


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