Friday, March 25, 2016

Blush Spring Jacket

Looking at these pictures, I can't believe this was my yard one week ago.  Now it's buried in snow once again.  We had a major blizzard move through our area last night and dump about ten inches of snow on us.  UGH!  The frustrations of spring.  Hopefully it will melt soon.

Today's post is all about spring (or fall) jackets.  I have a plethora of jackets like the one I am wearing today:  I have them in white, silver, black, brown plus the blush color I am wearing.  I also own three different styles and colors of jean jackets, several pea coats in different colors, patterns, and lengths, and a trench coat.  And I hardly wear any of them.  Why?  Because this type of jacket or any of the others,  just aren't practical for my climate.  It's either so cold you need a parka, or so warm you need nothing at all, with the exception of the three weeks of "Spring" or "Fall" we get a year.  And I put those seasons in quotes, because in my opinion, we don't have those two seasons in Wisconsin.  

So why do I buy them if I can't wear them?  Because I get such amazing deals on them!  No one wears or buys these types of coats in Wisconsin, so when they go on clearance, you can get them for as little as $6.00....I'm not kidding!

The blush coat I have on I picked up at Charming Charlie's and I've shown it to you before HERE.   (I was surprised to see I have the same scarf on in that post!)

Even though I could have worn a winter coat this day as it was only in the upper thirties, I really wanted to get some wear out of my spring/fall jackets and chose to wear this outfit instead.

I actually use a lot of my jackets as indoor blazers during the winter.  And that was kind of the case this day since it was a shopping day.  I was mostly running from the car to a building all day.  I did get a little warm at times inside a store, and I was a bit chilly wearing only this outside.   I chose to wear a scarf instead of a long pendant necklace, to help ward off the chill.

Last time I styled the coat with eggplant skinny jeans, a tan shirt, and tall brown boots.  This time I chose a grey long sleeve tee with black specks (previously shown HERE), black jeans, and black booties (all old and all from J.C. Penney).

My purse is eons old.  I wanted to carry something other than my black bucket bag, so I pulled this baby out from way back in my closet.  I was surprised at what other fun purses I found back there as well.  I need to dig back in my closet more often! :)

The jacket has a lovely quilted design, and I love the zippers on the sleeves.

I wore a black camisole underneath my long sleeve t-shirt.  That is the bulge you see that my husband/photographer didn't notice and tell me to smooth out. :)  The t-shirt is a bit sheer, so a camisole is necessary for me.

It is perfectly o.k., and in fact fashionable to let your shirt hang out in back when wearing these short jackets.

It is such a simple outfit, yet appears quite fashionable with the addition of the scarf.  I find that true of so many outfits.  Many of us want to look well-styled, but we also want to be comfortable.  If you focus on little accessories (like scarves, bags, jewelry, and cute shoes), you can dress up the simplest of outfits.

I hope to cycle through the rest of my spring/fall coats before summer hits and wear all my jackets at least once.  This Easter weekend, I plan on wearing my white leather jacket!

Have a Great Day and a Wonderful Easter Weekend!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!

Finally, on a side note, if your a blogger over fifty years of age we'd love to invite you to participate in a blog series specifically for bloggers over fifty.  It would be a great opportunity to meet more bloggers in your age group, and also might help promote your blog.  You can read more about it HERE.


  1. I really like this outfit! The colors look so nice together and what a fun bag!

  2. That jacket is perfect! So on trend and super cute on you! And yes, Lady ... you better dig in the back of that closet! That bag is a gem!

    Thanks for linking up & happy Easter!

    Dawn Lucy

  3. It totally sucks you got snow.... Spring feels so close yet so far! Great jacket and you can't beat the price for it!
    Thank you for linking up with weekend wear, have a great Easter

  4. Amy, I like this quilted jacket so much! I cannot believe the amazing deals you can get these for - maybe I need to send you some money to pick up a few for me! I completely agree with you about how little things like scarves and shoes can change the simplest of looks. Also, I was thrilled to see the blog series for bloggers over 50 - so awesome. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Hope to see you back next week, Amy.

    Jennie - A Pocketful of Polka Dots


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