Today's featured room is my son's room. Its probably the smallest room in the house (with the exception of the downstairs bath). Its so small, that the only way we could even fit a single bed in it was to rip an old closet out and build a bed into the wall. There are drawers underneath the bed to store my son's clothes, since there is no room for a dresser. Because its so small, its very difficult to photograph. There is a desk that I picked up for free at a local thrift shop against the wall where the door is (not pictured) and the other wall is a closet (also not pictured).
The first picture shows a view of the room as if you were standing in the doorway. The colors of the room are brown and burgundy. My husband made the curtain rod out of a stair railing and finials. I painted it to match the room and made the drapes. The trunk I picked up at an antique store in Alma, WI. I was visiting the store when the shop owner said to me "There's a lot of junk in the shed out back too." Well, of course I had to investigate. Inside this shed was so much junk, dust, and dirt I couldn't even walk through it. But I managed to move about and weave myself around. Eventually I found a rickety old staircase, well of course I had to see what was up there too! As I climbed the stairs, it was so dark and creepy, I couldn't see a thing. Eventually I found a light source, and when I turned the light on, I couldn't believe my eyes! It was like I just uncovered buried treasure! The entire attic was filled with antique trunks! They were all so old and gorgeous! What history. I ran back into the store and asked the owner how much she wanted for the trunks. She said 'All the trunks are $20.00 each'. GASP! I picked out the most unique even has vintage pictures inside...and my friend Debbie and I had a dilly of a time hauling it down the stairs! I was so happy with my find.
The Walls in my son's room are painted a flat beige above the chair rail, and then the lower portion is sponged in a variety of neutrals. The room is decorated with antique radios and black and white photos of his favorite music groups.
Jordan also has his own personal Christmas tree decorated with all of the ornaments he has received throughout the years. I put the tree in a pot to give it more height since I didn't have a table in his room to place it on. The only other Christmas decoration in his room, is some garland on his headboard. He is a boy, so I can't make it too 'cutsy'. LOL!
Have a great day! Amy
Yep ... looks like a boy's room, and that's okay!!! They have their own style of 'design'. WOW, what a great find on that trunk ... it's gorgeous! Thanks for another day on the tour!! I can't tell you how much I look forward to seeing "a room a day" ... you're doing a great job!! Although, I don't know where you've found the time!!!!!