I am sad to say this will be the last garden post of the year. Since most of these pictures were taken, we've already had a frost and almost all the flowers are now gone and have been cut down for the winter. 😢. The growing season is always over too soon isn't it? Well, let's say "Farewell to My Garden" shall we?
In a well planned out perennial garden, even when there are no flowers, there should always be a lot of interest. I always keep large pots of flowers in my gardens so when there are no perennials in blooms, the potted annuals still provide some color. I also like to leave my Hosta leaves up for the winter and not cut them back to the ground. I think when the leaves change colors, it is so pretty.
I love to sit on this bench in my garden. You can't see it in the photo, but it overlooks a river. It's so peaceful sitting here. There is a waterfall below, and you can hear the sound of the falls so beautifully.
This is one of my many shade gardens looking back up at the house. The white fenced in area is my vegetable garden.
Berries on bushes provide a lot of color and interest in the fall garden when the flowers disappear. I love the appearance of these purple berries.
This bush has gorgeous red berries that the birds love to eat.
I've never been one of those gardeners to hurry and cut everything right to the ground in the fall. I cut down the "ugly" stuff...you know, the spent blooms or anything that gets nasty looking after the last frost, but if something is still green, I leave it. This hillside is filled with bushes, hollyhock, sedum, hosta, and iris.
I was so happy to see this shade plant in bloom. It grows right near my wood line and the deer usually chop it to bits. The funny thing is I was recently in the garden, and I found the plant chomped to bits again. They must have got to it after the picture was taken. Oh well, at least this year I saw it in bloom once!
Sorry, but I can't remember the name of this plant for the life of me and I can't find it on-line either. Does anyone recognize it?
I shared this annual vine in
last month's garden post, but it's so spectacular I had to mention it again. I tried this plant for the first time this year and I loved it! It's a winner all around. Even my husband commented on it and exclaimed how much he loved it! The foilage alone is worth growing the plant for. It has a purplish green leaf, which is so lovely. But to make it even better, it has a delicate purple sweet-pea type bloom, and then these blooms make the most amazing purple seed pods. Win, win all the way! I saved a lot of seed pods to grow this plant next year.
Here are some close ups of the flowers and seeds pods. Aren't they just amazing? I seriously can't say enough good things about this plant. It even grew in part shade!
Another great annual vine I tried this year was this orangey Black Eyed Susan Vine. I've grown this vine before, but it never grew this well before. I wasn't sure if it was because of the unique variety I bought, or if it was because we had a hot summer for a change. Anyway, it was another winner and I will definitely be planting it again next year!
I LOVED the way it naturally climbed my house and wrapped itself around the base of the porch pole.
It seriously did this all by itself. I could not have trained it to grow so perfectly. Such a gem of a plant.
And the rusty orange/yellow flowers are simply stunning.
My front garden annual bed did pretty well this year too, especially since it was just a hodgepodge of plants and colors. This year I cut my Sedum Autumn Joy in half so it wouldn't fall over like it has done all the years before. Most of the plants did much better, like the one below, but some STILL fell over, I don't know why I have this problem with this plant. I go to other botanical gardens and they all seem to stand upright quite well.
Here is a close up of the sedum Autumn Joy.
And now onto the vegetable harvest. It was another great year. My favorite thing to grow is the peas. They taste so good! I love to even eat them raw, just like this. I try not to, because once I start munching on them, I can't stop, and then there aren't much left to cook with. 😂 I think peas are just the cutest vegetable!
Last year I planted two different types of beans and we had so many beans we haven't even finished eating all the beans from last year (I have just a few bags left in the freezer). So this year, I planted half the amount, and I still ended up with a lot.

My carrots did a lot better this year than they did last year. I moved them to a different location where they had more room to grow.
We enjoyed our homegrown potatoes so much last year, that we doubled the amount this year. I don't know what it is about potatoes, but they taste so much better when you grow them at home than the ones you buy at the store
Pictured below is just one bushel of my red potatoes. I filled this container twice with red potatoes and then I also have two bushels of Yukon Gold potatoes (not pictured),
Now I'll share some recipes I tried that helped me use up all my extra vegetables. Like most gardeners, I had more zucchini than I needed. Last year I froze a lot, but I didn't want to do that this year. I planted a lot less, but I still had too much and ended up having to freeze just a little. I saw this Cheddar and Chive Zucchini bread on Facebook and I decided to try it. It looks better than it tastes. I didn't really like it. It was very "heavy" and dense.
I could have done something wrong, so maybe it wasn't the recipe and it was just me. If you want to try the recipe, you can find it
I made a lot of zucchini egg dishes like this "Zucchini Tomato Gratin". I have a whole bunch of other great dishes like this on my Pinterest page. They are all so delicious!
My favorite zucchini recipe I made all summer was this one! It is incredible! It tastes just like scalloped potatoes. I've recommended this recipe to so many people and everyone who made it loved it. It's a winner for sure. You can find this recipe
I love ordinary blueberry muffins, but if you add zucchini they become even more moist. You can find this recipe
These are
Yellow Squash Muffins that I added blueberries too. They don't look anything like the ones pictured on the website, but boy do they taste good. They taste a lot like cornbread. They are my favorite zucchini/yellow squash recipe. I don't know why mine don't look more like a normal muffin. I've tried the recipe twice now and they always turn out like this. But I would still make them again and again because I love the flavor.
And of course, like every other gardener on the planet, I made lots and lots of Zucchini Bread. My zucchini bread recipe always made two loaves, so I would freeze one and eat the other right away. Now we should have plenty of zucchini bread all winter long. It freezes very well too! It taste just as good out of the freezer as the day I baked it. I use the recipe from Betty Crocker's Cookbook.
I also grew a lot more herbs this year than I did last year. These are just a few (plus a little broccoli and beans). I spent a lot of time drying herbs. It's very time consuming, but the cost of dried herbs in the store has risen so much, I really wanted to grow and dry them myself. However, I can't believe how many herbs it takes just to fill one tiny jar. After the drying process is over, they really shrink down. No wonder dried herbs are so expensive!
And finally, I can't conclude the very last garden post without talking about Jackson. Oh, cats and gardens just go hand in hand. Jackson loves to go outside everyday and walk the enclosed vegetable garden with me. But I think his favorite activity is simply sleeping on the cozy screened porch chairs.
Goodbye garden. I will miss you. The end of the garden season is always so bittersweet. I won't miss all the back-breaking work, but I will miss your beautiful blooms, the warmth from the sun, and eating fresh garden greens every single day.
So what about you? Are you sad to see the garden season come to an end, or are you relieved to have a break? I'd love to hear from you!
Have a Great Day! Amy
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