Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How to Make Personalized Art Work Out of Greeting Cards

My husband and I have been renovating my son's old bedroom into a "Beauty Room" for over two months now (check out these posts HERE, HERE, and HERE to catch up).  We are almost done...but for us, that probably means another month before the big reveal.  I know, your all just waiting on pins and needles because you have nothing better to do. :)  We move kinda slow.  I do about one thing a day on it and my hubby only works weekends on it, so it is taking longer than expected.  After an entire week and four coats of paint, I FINALLY finished painting the bed.  I also made a duvet cover and a  pillow sham (post coming soon), and now I'm pretty much shopping for nick-knacks and wall decor....which brings me to the subject of this post!

Have you ever noticed that when your not looking for something you see it everywhere, but the minute you want it, you can't find it anywhere?  That's what has been happening with me trying to find pretty nick-knacks for my Beauty Room.   I don't know if pink Parisian things are out or what, but all I see in the stores right now is beach home decor.  So after weeks of hunting I decided to give up and hopefully I'll see something eventually.  I then walked into Michael's to pick up some artificial flowers to create an arrangement for my "Beauty Room", and to my surprise, I found these pretty little cards in their dollar bins.  I thought "I bet I could frame them and make my own art work!".

Now I know this is not a novel idea.  I've actually framed lots of cards before, especially if they have a special meaning to me.  But I don't think everyone always thinks to do this, so I thought I would share it with you.  But first, let me show you my personalized art work I made out of greeting cards:

Aren't they pretty?  I know, I'm using that word a lot, but I can't help it!  They are so pretty!  I love how the cards have all the colors of my room in them.  The theme couldn't be more perfect.  And I adore all the sparkle and glitter on the cards too.

The cards came in a package of six for $1.50.  This is what they looked like when I bought them.

 Using my paper cutter, I trimmed the cards just a bit to fit my frame.  I took off the back of the card in the process.

I already had the frames in my stash.  One is a silver/black and the other is pure silver, and they both have a lot of sparkle on them in real life.  Frames are something I buy constantly.  They are normally so expensive, so whenever I see a pretty frame on clearance I always pick it up, even if I don't have a use for it at the moment.  You never know when a nice frame will come in handy!

 From there I just inserted the card into a small frame meant for a 4 x 6 picture and wa-la!  I had a beautiful piece of art work that was just perfect for new "Beauty Room"

Don't you just love all the sparkle in both the images and the frames?

I was so happy with the finished results.  Even my husband couldn't believe how nice they turned out.  When I brought the cards home and showed them to him with an explanation of my plan, he didn't seem impressed.  But once he saw the finished product...he was more than impressed.

My new art work looks amazing in my new room where I set them on some white book shelves...I can't wait to show you, but I'm saving that for the big reveal of my new "Beauty Room"!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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1 comment:

  1. These turned out so pretty, love the sparkle on the cards! I've framed cards before, but non this pretty! Oh, by the way, I saw a lot of Parisian decor at Joann's this week, I don't remember if it was pink, but it looked really beautiful!


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