Thursday, March 3, 2016

Curling My Daughter's Hair with the Irresistible Me Sapphire 8 in 1 Complete Curling Wand

Back in October I did my first ever beauty post where I introduced the Irresistible Me Sapphire 8 in 1 Complete Curling Wand.  I tried the wand on my own hair first and really liked the results.  You can read about that experience HERE and HERE.   Ever since then, I've been dying to see how the wand would work on my daughters very long, thick hair.  Well the opportunity finally came along!  

Ashley wanted me to curl her hair for a photo shoot for her musical career.  This is what Ashley's hair looks like freshly washed and blown dry.  

Although my hair has a bit of a natural wave to it, Ashley's is extremely straight and very hard to curl.

At first I tried a thick wand on her hair because her hair is so long.  It did absolutely nothing.  So then we moved to this wand.  Although the wand heats very hot and will produce a curl in my hair within three seconds, I had to leave the wand in Ashley's hair for over ten seconds, plus spray with hair spray before I curled each lock.  To say her hair was difficult to curl would be an understatement.

I first began by clipping two layers of her hair up and curling the under layer of hair.

As I painstakingly curled each layer of hair, I would take the clips out.  This is what the back looked like when I was all done.

 And here is a side view.  I was disappointed that I couldn't get more curl on the top part of her head, but we were still happy with the results.

We didn't dare comb or brush the curls out for fear they would straighten out.  We just finger combed and sprayed heavily with hair spray.

Then, we went to a local park and took these beautiful and artistic photos:

We were in the park for quite awhile taking hundreds of pictures and Ashley changed outfits three times, yet, her curls still held up.

Ashley wanted a romantic hair style to coordinate with all her pretty outfits and the idyllic backdrop of the park.

I think the long, loose waves were perfect against the picturesque, fairy tale setting of the park.

Ashley will use these pictures to promote her YouTube Channel, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

Even though Ashley's hair is extremely difficult to curl, the Irresistible Me Sapphire 8 in 1 Complete Curling Wand still worked.  Her hair looked amazing and she got the romantic, full hair style she was looking for.

You can find the wand HERE if your interested in purchasing one.

Have a great day!  Amy

*I was given the Sapphire Irresistible Me 8 in 1 Complete Curler Wand to review.  All opinions are my own.

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  1. These photos are so beautiful! I think the curls turned out just perfect! I will most likely need to curl my daughter's hair for part of her ballet portion in December. Not sure how it'll turn out, I've never used a curling iron before :-)

  2. lovely blog :) Happy Friday! :)
    I am new follower :)

  3. She's such a pretty woman! Just like her momma! Thanks for sharing, Amy! You did a great job!


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