Friday, March 4, 2016

Mixing an Olive Green Utility Jacket with Florals

 When olive green utility jackets emerged on the fashion scene several years ago, I resisted.  Why, you ask?  Because after serving over six years in the military I swore the one color I would never wear again was olive green.  However, like all fashion trends, eventually it grew on me.  Now I own not only one olive green utility jacket,  but two;  plus a pair of olive green pants.  I'm such a sucker for fashion trends.

However,  because of the masculine nature of the utility jacket, and the drab color, I always like to add a feminine touch to my outfit when wearing it.   For today's look I chose a floral tunic from The Gap (old) to add that bit of femininity.

On the day we did this photo shoot, the sun was just starting to set and the temperatures were cooling I did not want to remove my jacket!  I'm such a big baby, I know.  It was probably only in the low sixties, but after weeks of pushing eighty degree temperatures, I was already spoiled.  If you'd like to see the shirt without the jacket and styled a different way, check out this old post HERE.

The jacket is super old.  I picked it up at Dress Barn three years ago.  It's very thin, so I hardly consider it a jacket and more of a blazer or accessory piece to wear indoors.  However, for Florida temperatures, it's perfect.

 I completed the outfit with distressed boyfriend jeans by Kut from the Kloth from Stitch Fix and an old pair of striped blue loafers (Famous Footwear).

Since I got bangs, I've discovered I really love fabric headbands.  I don't know if the fashion gods would approve of fifty year old women wearing headbands, but, ask me if I care.  If it's windy outside, I don't want my hair blowing all over the place.  A soft, fabric headband keeps my hair out of my face and it also doesn't hurt like the plastic or metal ones do.  I picked up this suede olive green headband  for only $1.00 at a mall jewelry and accessory store.  I've since grabbed about four more, and I will keep looking for more colors and styles on clearance every time I shop.

We didn't do much this day in Florida other than run to a few stores nearby, so I kept my look very casual.  I had to do laundry and pack for my trip home, plus take a nap because my son was performing with his band from 9:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.  so of course being the die-hard, supportive mother that I am, I had to see that!  It was way past my bedtime to be out that late, but it was worth it!  His band was amazing!  You can check out their website HERE, and their Facebook page HERE.  If you know anyone getting married in Florida, they would be a great band to book.  They are a super talented group of young people and they play many of the current hits as well as some old ones.

 If your wondering why I am standing on a park bench, it's because I was instructed to by my new photographer:  my daughter.  She wanted to capture the top of the palm trees in the photos and the only way to do that was for me to stand on the bench, while she squatted low and aimed up.  I think it looks kinda silly, but I'm always open for a little creative change for my pictures now and then.

Now sitting on the bench, that's more my style.  I could sit on a park bench all day, especially in Florida!

Have a great day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. I didn't realize you had served in the military. That is so neat. Thank you! I can see why you would not want to wear this color again. This outfit looks great on you though. I love the jacket with the floral.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  2. Love your olive green jacket! I have a similar one but haven't worn it much because the weather never seems right for it! It's either too cold outside or warm enough where I don't need it. Mine is really thin too. Your kids are both so talented! Wishing them lots of luck in their musical careers!

  3. Hi Amy, how are you?

    FIRST OFF YOU LOOK ADORABLE IN A HEADBAND. I love headbands. Secondly, that floral top is so perfect for Spring. I just bought an olive utility jacket and I am ow inspired to try it with a light colored floral blouse, underneath it. =) Thanks to you!

    And please come link up with me on my very first linkup. This outfit is so gorgeous not to. Thank you.

    Have a great weekend!

    Linkup below:

  4. It is so fun to learn more about other bloggers and I had no idea you served in the military- thank you for your service! I have been looking at my military jacket a lot lately, thinking it would be a good layer again now that we are having some warmer days. I really should try it with a floral top, thanks for the idea! Love how it looks on you!


  5. Thank you for serving our country in the military! I've been styling olive and floral together lately and love this combo! Your top is so pretty and that headband is darling on you!

    Doused In Pink

  6. Superb look Amy, as always !
    My internet connection is lamentable, that's why I'm this little, so I apologize for the lack of comments! pfff.
    And my husband is home for a few days, he is sick and should not go to work, we expect the exams to better care, so I am here and there ...;-)
    Big hugs ! xx

  7. I had no idea you were ever in the military - so cool. I like really like how you mixed floral with your jacket - very nice mix! Also, since I've been growing out my hair I am always on the lookout for cute new soft headbands. You look great in yours. :)

  8. Wow I had no idea that you were in the military. That's awesome. As a teenager I wanted to get into the service (in Canada that is), somehow that quickly changed to fashion...not sure how but I guess it was my calling. The jacket looks awesome and has a vintage appeal to it which really gives it personality if you ask me :)

  9. Very pretty casual look. I have a similar jacket that I bought a few months ago and need to use it more.

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you soon!


  10. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Tomorrow is the 50th. I hope you can make it. I love utility jackets. I never tried them with floral, but it looks great! Perfect casual outfit and very feminine despite the utility jacket. You gave it a great

  11. You look lovely, so pretty and happy too. Thanks for linking up to #fashionfriday x


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