Friday, October 16, 2015

Beachy Waves Hairstyle with a Graphic Tee Outfit

 In Yesterday's Post, I introduced the Irresistible Me Sapphire 8 in 1 Complete Curler Wand.  In that post, I explained  the features of the set , how it works, and how I styled my hair.  Today I am showing what my freshly styled hair looks like when I am all dressed up and ready to go for the day.  I'm also including photos of how my hair looked as the day wore on so you can get an idea how well the curls held up.

These pictures were taken last Sunday when we had a full day of activities planned.  I started out the day dressed for church (it's a very casually dressed church), so I was wearing straight black jeans (St. John's Bay), black flat boots (old, Famous Footwear), a burgundy cardigan (old, H&M, last worn HERE and HERE), and a new graphic tee from J.C. Penney.

Sunday ended up having a high of 82 degrees, so I didn't have this cardigan on for long.  In fact, I think I took it off as early as 10:00 a.m. and wore just the muscle T-Shirt and jeans till after lunch.

Both times I've shown you this sweater before I never included a picture of the back and said I wished I would have because it has a very interesting back.  Well this time I remembered not because of the sweater, but because of the hair!  The point of this picture was so that you could see my curly hair from the back, but now you finally got a look at the back of the sweater too!  The cardigan is shorter in front than in back, provided a nice scooping detail in the rear.

I wish you could have all seen the looks on every one's faces at my church when I arrived with curly hair.  Everyone looked at me like I was an alien or something and never said a word to me.  My husband and I were so perplexed about it because we absolutely loved my curly hairstyle.  I didn't take offense because I live in a rural area where every one's idea of being fashionable is wearing camo, cowboy boots, or anything from a Scheel's Sporting Goods store.  Take a walk in our nearest mall and all you see is women wearing Under Armor sweatshirts.  It is always so refreshing to me to visit big cities and see women fashionably dressed and well-styled.  And if your a country gal, please don't be upset with me.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing camo, cowboy boots, and Under Armor sweatshirts.  It's just not for me.

And speaking of "It's Just Not for Me", here is my new graphic T-Shirt!  I was drawn to this shirt for a number of reasons.  The first one being I love the quote "Be You".  It was especially relevant when I wore this with a new hairstyle and everyone looked at me with a mortified stare.  It inspired me to always remember to wear what I like (including my hairstyle), to always be myself, and to not worry what other people think or may say.  

The second reason I like this shirt is because of the graphics and sparkles.  I thought the graphics were so interesting and artistic, and anything with a little sparkle is always a plus for me.

And finally, the last thing that sold me on this top was the shape, style, and softness of the material.  It is a muscle T-Shirt, so it has only a bit of a sleeve at the cap of the shoulder.   It is perfect for wearing under cardigans and blazers in the fall and winter for there is no extra bulk in the arm area.  The material is very soft and thin, so it is quite cool and comfortable.  And I really love the fit of the top too!  It's snug in the chest area, but is looser in the waist area;  the perfect fit for my body type!  It's also very long, but not too long that it would be uncomfortable to tuck in.

Because I was dressed so casually, I worn more dramatic jewelry to dress the outfit up a bit more.  I wore a zebra print bracelet from Express (old) on my wrist…...

…. and a chunky, sparkly, black, white, and clear necklace from J.C. Penney (old).

And here is a close up of my soft, curly new do!  The irony now is that all these photos were taken two days before my fall hair appointment.  Now my hair is the same length, but I have heavy, shaggy bangs, and it is darker with deeper highlights.  My hairstylist said I looked so different with bangs that when I walk into church this week they will really stare at me now!  LOL! 

 The outfit minus the cardigan.

And now for the later day pictures.  After church we came home for lunch, then drove to a state park to hike and see the fall foliage.  If you missed that travel post, you can catch up HERE.  Because it was now in the eighties, I switched out of my black jeans and put on black shorts (shown before in THIS OUTFIT).  My shoes were chosen not for fashion reasons, but for practicality.  I wore hiking sandals because I was hiking for long distances and wanted to be comfortable and safe (not shown).

My hair held up pretty well since I curled it at 6:30 a.m., and it was now about 2:00 p.m. and I was outside in the heat and wind!

By the end of the day, I did lose about half the curl, but it was still full and very pretty.  Overall, considering the adventurous day I had, I thought my Beachy Waves Hairstyle held up quite well!  I'm sure spraying each curl before I used the wand helped, along with the finishing hairspray when I was done.

So what do you think of me with curly, beachy waves?  Would you have stared at me like a freak-a-zoid like my fellow church members did when I walked into the building, or would you have said something?  I'd love to hear your thoughts?  Which do you like better?  Curly? Straight? or Both?

Have a great day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Your hair looks great and really held the curl well! I love that cute tee!

    Doused In Pink

  2. Those beachy waves look great! My hair is naturally curly and I wish it was more wavy. I love the color of that cardi, too.


  3. I think your hair looks great with the beachy waves!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  4. I think your hair looks very very nice. A little bit wild (which is a good thing), nice and lots of it. No worries. You are looking very good.

  5. Love your pretty beachy waves! And yeah, it's been really hot here too (San Jose). Argh.

    Thanks so much for linking up with Fun Fashion Friday!
    Dawn Lucy

  6. Thanks for pinning to our Fashion Over 40 board, Amy! Can't wait to see more of you and your style!

  7. Great waves! It looks amazing!

    Thanks so much for linking up with Friday Favorites! Hope you have an amazing week ahead of you!

    The Closet by Christie

  8. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  9. Your hair looks amazing and love your fun muscle tee!

    Thank you for being a part of TBT Fashion link up and hope to see you Thursday.


  10. Your hair looks so pretty like this, Amy! Maybe they were intimidated by how great you looked! Love your burgundy cardigan and very glad you showed the back this time. Great graphic tee and fall look.

    Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Amy!

    Jennie - A Pocketful of Polka Dots

  11. That is a genius idea! Curly hair perfectly compliments that graphic tee. It is nice to see honest advice for dressing with curly hair. I have never much cared for my naturally curly hair, but I will have to try a casual get-up similar to this, if nothing else, to distract eyes away from it or downplay its intensity. Thank you SO much!

    Renee May @ Virgin Hair Fixx


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