Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A Re-Cap of My 2015 Travel Adventures

This first week of January, I have spent some time on my blog reflecting on the past year.  I've already done a post on my favorite fashion posts of the past year HERE,  and my favorite crafting projects I made HERE.

Since I also blog about our travels once or twice a week, I thought I would also share with you a re-cap of our 2015 Travel Adventures too.

If your a regular reader of mine, you know I love to travel or have what my husband and I call monthly "Adventures".  We try to take four vacations a year, but this year we only took two official vacations, because one vacation week was spent moving our kids to Florida.  But we did stay fairly true to our goal of having monthly "Adventures".  Here are some travel highlights of 2015:

We went hiking in a state park in the winter!

We never hiked in the winter before and although the snow and ice was a challenge at times, it was a lot of fun.  It was interesting seeing the difference of the woods in the winter in comparison to the warmer months.  You can definitely see the landscape farther because there is no foliage on the trees to block your views.

March brought a trip to Chicago!

In March, we spent the weekend in the Chicago area to attend a concert of our daughters, and I got to experience my first ever Zara store!

Easter Weekend and My Son's Senior Recital

April was a fun, exciting month.  My husband and I met Ashley and Jason in Milwaukee to see a mega church's Easter Musical.  Then my husband and I enjoyed a romantic evening alone in a nice hotel.

April also brought another visit to a big attend my son's senior recital.  It was such a wonderful, joyous day.  You can just see all our faces beaming with pride for this amazing boy.

In May We Vacationed in Colorado!

We drove to Colorado in May to attend a nieces wedding, and while there we visited Rocky Mountain National Park and many beautiful, quaint Colorado small towns plus Boulder!

In July my Husband and I had an adventure visiting some small towns in Wisconsin as we drove to pick up our daughter.

August was spent in Chicago and Florida Helping the Kids Move

This was a working vacation, but we still had some fun time visiting relatives and going to Daytona Beach.

In September, we had our very first camping trip alone....just as a couple!

In the Fall, the weather was so perfect we had two Adventures!  We visited some some small towns and state parks on the Mississippi River:

And, we went hiking up in the St. Croix area by the Wisconsin/Minnesota border!

And finally, the end of the year brought another visit to Florida to see the kids for the holidays!

This time, it was a real vacation and we filled our week with one activity after another.  I've done a few blog posts on our visit already, but many more are yet to come!

December I am still experiencing as I write this post.  I plan to share more next week of how we spent our holidays, but here are some Instagram pictures in the meantime.

It has been such a special, romantic, holiday for us.  I can't wait to share everything we did with you in future posts!

And that is a re-cap of all our adventures this past year.  Of course, there were a lot of "little" adventures how we celebrated Valentine's Day, our Anniversary, and other holidays, but these are the highlights of the year.

Next year, we do plan on taking four "real" vacations again.  We plan on spending a lot of time out west.  Most of our travels thus far have been south and east.  This year we plan on seeing Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon, Utah, South Dakota and more!  I can't wait to explore the old west and share my "Adventures" with you!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. You guys are so gorgeous!! What a great year, I love that you have monthly adventures together!! May 2016 bring you even more wonderful moments!

  2. So many fun adventures! I just love the picture of you in the white vest, so beautiful!

    Pumps and Push-Ups


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