Saturday, January 16, 2016

Some Cheesy Valentine Decor

I know a lot of people love it when the Christmas decorations come down and the house feels light and airy again, but I don't.  I always feel it's kinda depressing seeing the house devoid of anything festive.  So this year,  when I took the Christmas decor down I immediately put Valentine's Decor up!

I usually consider paper garlands very cheesy, even though it's all the rage right now in the paper crafting world.  Why, everyone is so in to paper garlands I have no idea.  But when I took my Christmas garland down and saw the bare moulding, I thought, why not put up some Valentine garland in it's place?

 I purchased this paper garland years before for a Valentine Dinner at my church.  I hadn't used it since, I wasn't expecting any company for the next month or so, so why not pull it out and have some fun with it?  Plus, my husband couldn't possibly forget Valentine's Day when he has to duck his head everyday to walk under it! :)  (LOL!  Not that he will be able to anyway.  We already purchased tickets to a Broadway Touring Show and booked a hotel room).

 I strung the garland up in three separate spots, and added a glittery heart ornament to the center.

It was nice to have these corner brackets to adhere the garland too!  I only had to pound one nail in the center of the moulding.  Shh!  Don't tell my husband!

Like I said before, I know it's cheesy, but I love having this cute, whimsical holiday element in my home during an otherwise boring time of the year.  Plus, this room is what I call our "Love Nest", for we cuddle on the sofa in this room every night.  So what perfect way to adorn the entrance to it but with hearts!

Other Valentine decor I added this year was this pretty glitter heart in my window.   It's always impossible to photograph my window decor because the light from the window comes in and hits my camera lens!  But in real life, this heart is a beautiful dark red and covered in glitter!

My guest bathroom I always change out with the seasons/holidays.  This is the same thing I do every year for Valentines:  I added a bouquet of red roses and Valentine themed towels.

Red lotions and hand soaps from Bath and Body Works compliment the red Valentine's Day theme.

My side entry door always has a seasonal/holiday swag, wreath, or wall hanging on it.  Again, it's very hard to photograph because of the light coming in through the window, but this sign is made of wood with the word "LOVE" cut out in the center and painted in red.

My entry way table I decorated very differently than I have in previous years.  I found this paper red glitter sign in the same box I had the heart paper garland in and decided to try it on my table.   It was a little warped from years of no use, but I still love the way it looks on my table!  What a wonderful way to greet my guests that will not be coming over this month! :)  I guess it'll just greet me and my husband every time we come home!

  I also added a couple of rose bouquets to the table.

And finally, on my side entry way table, I just added another glittered heart ornament to the book stand (I had two of those ornaments in my stash).  The opened book and long white gloves sit out there all year.  It is a antique book of love poems.  What perfect spot to hang more hearts!

So what about you?  Do you decorate your home at all for Valentine's Day?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Hearts are my favorite shape so I love decorating for Valentines Day! Your guest bathroom looks so cute!

    Doused in Pink

  2. Fun decor! I haven't gotten into paper garlands yet. I don't do much for Valentine's day, maybe I find some kind of a garland to put on my mantel. Everything looked so bare after I took down all the Christmas decorations I had on the Mantel, so what I did, is put up a garland from Joann's that's meant for Christmas (the one I used on my Advent wreath), all it is, is red berries on a brown strand. Looks really pretty, oh and I left my snowman scenty up. I think snowmen and berries work all winter long.
    I do like the cute towel in the bathroom. I bought a pretty Valentines kitchen towel last week, but won't put it out until it's a little closer. I agree, it is a great way to help the guys remember the holiday :-)

  3. Oh so lovely decor Amy ! You're a source of inspiration, sure !

  4. Who doesn't love cheesy Valentine décor:). I love the heart garland in the doorway Amy! Thanks so much for partying with us every week. Pinned and shared:). Take care, Tara


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