Monday, July 25, 2016

It's Not Easy Being Green: A Tribal Print Dress

 When I planned this outfit for my photo shoot I had no idea my yard was so lush and green that I would just blend in with my surroundings. :)  Seriously though, my yard looks like the Amazon rain forest!   We have gotten so much rain this summer, along with some very warm temps, that everything is so healthy and green!  If I had spent more time in my yard this past month, I might have known this and picked a different photo shoot location.  But I haven't been in my garden for weeks because of vacation, bonding with a new kitty, and a heat wave.

If this dress looks familiar to you it's because you've seen it on THIS POST.  I bought my daughter new clothes for her birthday and this was one of the items.  Of course, I used the opportunity to do a quick photo shoot before I gave it to her.  She doesn't mind, as I often borrow a lot of her clothes just for photo shoots so that I'll have something different to show my readers.

The dress is a beautiful emerald green with a tribal pattern on it and an exposed back zipper.

I wore a gold metal belt around my waist just to give an illusion of a waistline.  I put a sparkly black knotted head band in my hair.

 I picked up the dress at Ross at a discounted price because it was missing the belt.  It had belt loops, but no belt.  No big deal I thought because both Ashley and I had plenty of belts that would work with this dress.

 My white aviator sunglasses are by Rocawear and I purchased them at J.C. Penney.  The emerald green and gold earrings are from Stitch Fix.

I wore more green jewelry on my wrist.  Some of the bracelets look blue, but they are a very light green in real life.

The cross body bag is a mint green color.  My daughter gave it to me for Mother's Day.  I love the perforated flap.

Both the hemline and the sleeves have a separate border pattern.  The dress is on the short side, but it could easily be worn over tights or leggings in the winter if more modesty is required.  It could also be worn as a long tunic.

It's hard to see in the picture because of the pattern, but there is a button on the sleeves and a tab underneath the sleeve so you can shorten the sleeve length.

I wore black gladiator sandals from Sears (old).

I loved this dress so much, I didn't want to give it up.  Oh well, it's a good thing I gave it to my daughter as I know I will always be able to borrow it!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. So pretty dress and belt!

  2. SUperb look, this dress is beautiful !

  3. love this dress, and what a cute hairstyle you have! thanks for sharing, xo


    1. Thank you! And thanks for noticing my hair too. I recently tried a bob cut after years of wearing my hair the same and I just love it. It's so easy to style.

  4. Such a pretty dress! And how lucky are you that your garden is so green - something we can only dream of here in California! Plus, how fun is it that you and your daughter can wear the same clothes!

    Andrea’s Wellness Notes

    1. Thanks Andrea, yes I know how lucky we are in Wisconsin to get rainfall and live so close to a large fresh body of water. I thought California was doing better this year and getting some much needed rain, sad to here your still experiencing dryness.

  5. This dress looks really pretty on you! I like the exposed zipper on the back. It adds a little edginess to a pretty, feminine dress. Can I ask what lipstick you are wearing? Looks great!

    1. Thanks Karen. I love the exposed back zipper too. The lipstick I'm wearing isn't actually a lipstick but a tinted lip balm by Revlon and it's color 045 Romantic.

    2. Hi Amy, I just discovered you through our mutual friend, Karen Strand, and have added your blog to my Bloglovin' feed. Can I just say I love the exposed zipper, too? And this dress was absolutely made for you! What a great find. I am all about anything green so these colors really spoke to me. Anxious to get to know you better. Thanks, Karen, for the intro!!

    3. Thank you, it's nice to meet you too! How nice of Karen to mention my blog to you. I'm doing a blogger meetup with Karen this weekend and I'm so excited!

  6. You are so lucky that's your yard!! Ours is just awful with the drought here in CA, it's pretty sad :( On a happier not, I love this dress on you! Green is definitely your color, and I love those fun sunglasses too - xo


    1. Thanks so much Shauna! The drought in CA is so sad, we are lucky with all the rain we get here in Wisconsin, plus living so near a large great lake.

  7. Love the green on you! I think it looks good in your pretty yard. The print is so fun!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  8. Emerald green is one of my favorite colors!! this dress is beautiful, and looks amazing on you!

    xx, Elise

  9. Another great outfit, love the pattern and color of the dress! The sunglasses look amazing too!

  10. Beautiful stunning! Looks amazing on you Amy! I often borrow one of my sisters accessories or clothes to style too, makes it fun to share more and "like new" things on the blog.
    Rachel xo

    1. Thank you! Good to know I'm not the only blogger who stretches her wardrobe this way!

  11. How perfect that basically you have two closets to choose from!!
    This dress is quite stunning---I love the print & color!

  12. Great dress! I love a casual, cute, shortish dress. This one is really pretty.
    :) gwingal


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