Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Black River National Scenic Byway: Sandstone Falls

This is a continuation of a series of travel posts of a camping trip I took with my family back in July.  To start at the beginning, go HERE.  The rest of the posts in chronological order are HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

Sandstone Falls was the last waterfall we had to visit on the Black River National Scenic Byway, and it ended up being one of our favorites.

It all started with a beautiful walk through a lush green forest.

It started to drizzle just a bit, so Ashley pulled out her beautiful rainbow umbrella giving me a great photo opportunity.

The walk from the parking lot to the falls is only 1/4 of a mile, but like most of the other falls in the area, it had a lot of stairs.

Sandstone Falls is a fun waterfall because you can get out and play in it and feel fairly safe.  It meanders over rocks, so you can jump from boulder to boulder and even wade a bit in certain areas.

It's bordered on either side by gorgeous, lush, evergreens.

Sandstone Falls drops a total of 25 feet in two sections, a five foot initial drop and a twenty foot second drop.  Sandstone Falls is named for the sandstone rocks along the riverbed that the water has cut channels through.

My son had a great time playing in this waterfall for it was the most accessible of all the waterfalls we saw on the Black River National Scenic Byway.

What a surprise it was finding these pretty daisies growing happily in this rocky area.

I enjoyed these falls for I could find a comfortable a spot to sit and enjoy the view and not worry about my husband or son doing something stupid and getting hurt.   See me sitting on the first rock formation with Ashley and Jason in the distance?

The next day we decided we had enough of woods and water and wanted to enjoy a day in civilization.  Read more about our day in Bayfield, Wisconsin in next week's travel post.

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE and Travel Tuesday!


  1. This place looks so beautiful! I love the massive rocks and water rushing through- looks like a great time!


  2. Looks beautiful! But wow those stairs! What a workout! Love the scenery and the waterfalls!

    1. Yes, and this was only one set of stairs. We went to five waterfalls that day and they all had stairs like this.

  3. Such a nice area, and everything is so pretty and green! Love the umbrella photos!

  4. Wow, I didn't know about this place in our great state of Michigan! I just mentioned to my husband that we need to take a road trip up north in another year, so we can catch a lot of the great scenery. I've been to the Tahquamenon Falls, but that's as far west as I've ever been in the UP!

    1. Yes, this place was a complete surprise to us. We were trying to find waterfalls nearby where we were camping and googled it and found this amazing gem!

  5. What an amazing place with tremendous vistas and natural scenic beauty, Amy! I would love to camp there and take some photos myself...
    Thanks for joining the Travel Tuesday meme, hope to see more of your photos there this week.

    1. Thanks Nick! I'll be joining Travel Tuesday tomorrow!


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