Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Church Murals

On Tuesdays I normally post a craft project, but I have so much work to be done in my garden right now, that anytime I'm home, weather permitting, I'm out there.  The weather and a shoulder injury has not been helping me get my garden chores done.  It's been so warm and muggy here, that doing heavy garden chores is not easy.  I hate to say it, but I could really use some crisp, dry, cool temperatures (and a healing touch to my body would help too) right now. 

I do have a birthday card and some fall cards I will post soon, but in the meantime, I wanted to show you some beautiful church murals I discovered at Grace Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

My husband and I attended a conference at this church and by chance ended up eating our lunch in the children's wing...otherwise I never would have seen these murals.  Many of my long time readers and friends would know that I have painted many murals myself at several different churches during my lifetime.  But none of the murals I have done would ever compare to these masterpieces.  These murals were surely done by a real artist, and not an amateur as myself.  If you'd like to see some of the church murals I have done, go to this post HERE and HERE (I've done so many more church murals than this, but unfortunately these were the only two rooms I took pictures of).

All the murals in this wing depicted the life of Jesus.  I had actually planned on painting the scenes of the life of Jesus in one of the churches I had been attending, but I never got around to it because the church started having issues, and people started leaving.  Then their children's programs stopped because there was no one willing to serve in that area anymore, and therefore the number of children in the church started to decrease.  So I thought, what's the point of painting more murals if there are no children there to see it?

I would never have been able to paint realistic scenes like this however.  My plan was to use more cartoon images of Jesus out of the children's bible.

This child in the window with the kitties was one of my favorites.  I love the deep rich colors, the beautiful child, and of course the kittens.

Jesus talking with the children is the perfect scene to display in a children's wing, isn't it?

And of course, what are children's mural if they don't contain some humor...such as this cute camel peeking over the edge of a wall?

I love how the artist painted around all the "obstructions" like these doors, and even included them in the biblical scenes.

Of course my husband had to act like a child himself and include himself in on one of the biblical depictions.

So what do you think?  Do you love these murals as much as I do?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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  1. What beautiful murals! so many in one church, I am amazed. What a lovely space they have made this.

    1. Thanks Julie, I know, I was awestruck by these murals. I've seen a lot of church murals in my lifetime, and these were the best I've ever seen!

  2. These murals are beautiful! I had no idea that you have painted murals yourself! I had to go to both posts and take a look and wow, you are really talented!!! We had a lady come out to paint a mural in my sons room when he was 2 and its still in his room. I just can't seem to paint over it! Its of airplanes (to match a Pottery Barn Kids set), so at least its not too kiddish. :)


    1. Thanks Carrie, yes, it's hard to paint over murals, especially when you know how much work went into it.


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