Monday, October 2, 2017

Grandma & Me Link-Up Number Two

 On the first Monday of every month I've chosen to celebrate Grandmothers!  I do a special link up asking my readers to link up any grandmother related post.  My Grandma and Me posts for now will feature coordinating fashion of me and my granddaughter, but someday I hope to expand on that as Alethea grows older.  I did my first "Grandma and Me" post back in August, then I skipped the month of September because I was on vacation.  You can read all about why I started the link up HERE.

Last September my husband and I took a vacation to the state of Missouri.  We first stopped in Illinois to spend Labor Day weekend with our children.  These photos were taken then when Alethea was two months old.

Mom dressed Alethea up in a pretty pink, lavender, and blue dress with a pink cardigan and hair bow.  I coordinated with Alethea's outfit by wearing a lavender cardigan with a white tee, blue jeans, and a pink bag.

For jewelry I chose white studs,  purple bracelets, and I borrowed a necklace from my daughter.

I also borrowed a cute pair of grey booties from Ashley as well.  

My hot pink cross body bag picks out the hot pink flowers in Alethea's Skirt.

I love how we both have our eyes closed in this picture.  Isn't she the sweetest little thing you ever did see?  I don't get to see her much because my children live six hours away, but when I do, I SOAK up every minute of her:  breathing in her scent, kissing those precious cheeks, and holding her as often as she will let me (she still wants to nurse mom a lot right now).

There are so many "Mommy and Me" clothing websites where you can buy matching mother/daughter clothes.  I hope to take advantage of those when Alethea is old enough to fit into them (they usually don't start until size 2T).  For now, I will just keep on trying to find items in my own closet to coordinate with Alethea's.  I think it's a great idea to just shop your own closet if you want to match outfits with your own daughter/granddaughter:  it certainly saves money!

My sweater I bought in the spring from CJBanks and I last showed it to you HERE.  The tee and jeans are from JCPenney.  The bag is from Charming Charlie's.

Alethea's dress is from Baby Gap (no longer available) and I'm not sure where her mom got the cardigan from.

Here metallic pink moccasins are from Itzy Ritzy but they are no longer available.  Aren't they just so cute though?  I just love little baby feet!

I love the print and all the different colors in Alethea's dress.

And now it's your turn!  Link up any grandmother related post below.  It does not have to be fashion related, any topic or post of you with your grandmother or grandchildren will do. If you don't have a blog, you can also link to Instagram!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!

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  1. Alethea is so beautiful! I love this series of photos! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. What a wonderful mom you have! Grandmas are the best. Your daughter is beautiful!

    1. Thank you, but I'm the grandmother. I can see where the confusion might have happened when I referred to my daughter as "mom".

  3. She's doing so well, so cute. You look so happy when you're with her. Like the outfit you've put together, pale lavender suits you. Hugs, x.

    1. Thank you! I'm in heaven when I'm holding her!

  4. I could so see myself doing this when I am a Grandma someday. This is so sweet! I love Alethea's little shoes! So cute! I love how you two match, but not in an overly matchey way.


    1. Thanks Carrie! I was inspired by all the "Mommy & Me" blogs! I thought "Why not Grandma & Me"?

  5. What a great idea! You two look great in your matching clothes! Your precious grandbaby is adorable. I linked up 2 posts, non-fashion :) Thank you Amy for linking up at the #BloggingGrandmothersLinkParty. I shared your post on Google+ and Twitter.

  6. Aww this is the best! Thanks for sharing, and for linking up, xo


  7. Your outfit is really pretty. I need a new white shirt. And Alethea, well, she is perfect.
    :) gwingal

  8. Awww how sweet! I love the little pictures of her and you. When she gets older it'll be so amazing to look back at these!

  9. Amy, please don't feel rejected, but I have no granny posts. I haven't even made it to a mom unless cats count. I could link up a post I wrote about my grandpa, though.

    1. Thanks Nicole, yes, please link up your post about your grandpa! Any grandparent post is welcome!

  10. Thank you for hosting! I love the idea of a party especially for Grand occasions! ;-) We just adore our little Grand Ones! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  11. Such a heart warming read Amy! You can feel the love coming off the page!!
    Thanks for joining in the Ageless Style Link Up

  12. You two are so cute! I love your color coordinating outfits! Those little moccasins are the sweetest!

  13. What a wonderful photo shoot! Your granddaughter is so precious! Congrats!


  14. Omg shes so gorgeous! Love that you guys are matching with your purple! Too cute!

    <3 Shannon 
    Upbeat Soles

  15. Awww, so dang sweet! I love matching outfits, it is my favorite and grandma/granddaughter, even cuter!

  16. Aww, you both look adorable. Alethea's little moccasins are darling--what a stylish little girl. These photos are darling :)

  17. Your grandbaby is beautiful! Isn't being a grandmother the most wonderful thing! Your coordinated outfits were cute as can be.

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, I love being a grandmother!

  18. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.

  19. Just found you through the Blogging Gradmothers and linked up - although my post isn't about my grandbaby - I don't have many of those and I doubt there'll ever be any matching outfits for us. I linked my mum and me - we're both grandmothers :)

    1. I'm so glad you found me. I've been trying to get other grandmothers to link up and not having much luck. Thanks so much!

  20. Such beautiful photos! My daughter likes doing matching outfits - she's 8 and is already trying to claim my bags and jewellery as her own! I love Alethea's metallic pink moccasins, so cute. Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

    1. Thanks Emma, I hope Alethea likes to do matching outfits when she's older too!

  21. Hey! I read this post while I was in Germany and tried to link-up and comment but had so many connectivity issues. Just realized that my comment didn't go through.

    Glad to see this post so well received. There is nothing like being a grandmother. Nothing. Tickled to see how you are enjoying your new role. You and Alethea look adorable.

    1. Thanks Leslie! Yes, both my daughter and I are surprised and pleased that these Grandma & Me posts are popular! I'll keep them up as long as Alethea is willing!


Thank you for leaving a comment, I love feedback from my readers; but please don't include a hyperlink in the comments or I will have to delete it. You may include the name of your blog. If you have a blog, I always return the love by visiting within a week whoever leaves a comment.