Monday, November 5, 2018

Grandma & Me: Establishing Traditions

When my sweet granddaughter Alethea was visiting me for two weeks during the summer, one of the many places we took her was the famous "Nelson Cheese Factory".  I wrote all about the Cheese Factory in this post if you missed it.  Going to the Cheese Factory is a summer family tradition for us.  Most of the time, we just get ice cream, but I also love to go there for lunch with my girlfriends or to just enjoy some of their delicious coffee.

This was Alethea's first visit to the Cheese Factory and I said to my daughter,  "We should bring her here every summer and take a picture under the "Nelson Cheese Factory" sign.  It will be so fun to watch as she grows up in those pictures!" 

So here is Alethea's very first picture at Nelson Cheese Factory.  Just look at that smile!  What a doll.

For our special first photo shoot at the Nelson Cheese Factory, we chose blue chambray dresses;  mine is a solid blue, Alethea's dress is a blue and white stripe.  We accented our dresses with black accents.  I wore black booties, a black cardigan, and carried a black bag (everything old).  Alethea wore pretty black shoes and she was suppose to wear a black hair bow but somehow we forgot to put it on her before we started to snap pictures.  Ah, the realities of fashion blogging.  ðŸ˜Š  She finally reached the age where she started pulling hair bows off her head, so if there is a hair bow we want her to wear for photos, we have to put it on her right before we start taking pictures and distract her so she doesn't notice it!  Ha ha!  Oh, all the tricks we have learned to photograph Alethea!

I did not forget my hair bow though! 😊 I wore a light grey plaid hair band from Forever 21.

After we enjoyed our delicious coffees at the Nelson Cheese Factory, we headed to Wabasha to take a walk along their river walk.

Oh, my little pumpkin.  I miss her so much.  Thanksgiving can't come fast enough for me.  Only a few more weeks, and I will have her in my arms again!

So do you have any annual traditions with your grandkids?  What are your plans for Thanksgiving?  Will you be able to spend time with family?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Oh, Amy....what joy and happiness in these photos. And hair bow or not, Alethea is a vision.

  2. You both looks great, love the chambray with black combination. Alethea is such a cutie!

  3. It's always fun making those memories! I love your cute boots and the idea of coming back to this each year!

  4. Hi Amy, I also think that establishing traditions are important especially as the world we live in can be chaotic at times. Traditions help to ground us and mine is making a special birthday cake each year for my grandchildren. Enjoy your beautiful granddaughter and your new tradition. Thanks for sharing with us at #MLSTL. x

    1. Thanks Sue! I think it's great when mom's are really great cake decorators. That's not my gift! I wish it was though.

  5. I think you meant this comment for my South Dakota post, but that's ok I know what you mean. Thanks fo visiting.

  6. I love this post! You guys are adorable together.

  7. Granddaughters are just divine aren't they Amy? I love seeing how much you enjoy your time with her - and I'm sure there'll be many more photos under that Creamery sign in the years to come.
    MLSTL and I've shared on my SM :)

  8. You two are sooo adorable! Lovely photos dear!
    Jessica |

  9. She is a doll! And my favorite shot.... the shoes! haha love it AMy.
    :) gwingal

    1. Thank you! I think the feet pictures are always my favorite too!

  10. Looks like a wonderful day was had by all, making memories as a family. I love the idea of taking a picture every year under the cheese sign. Grand kids are the best! #MLSTL

  11. What a fun tradition you've just started with your adorable granddaughter. We will be having Thanksgiving at one of our children's home. Christmas is our day to have all of our children and grandchildren together in one place. It's chaos--but beautiful chaos! #MLSTL

    1. Thanks Christie! It's chaos here too when the kids come home, but beautiful chaos just like you said.

  12. Loved this. As a now grandma of 8 I did traditions too and especially around Christmas time. Sadly, the grandchildren are much older and we live away from them now but I KNOW that I have left memories of joys and ordinary days shared that will never leave them. Denyse x #mlstl


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