Tuesday, November 27, 2018

I Just Can't Do It All

I'm so sorry, but I'm going to have to take a blogging break for awhile.  I know I just re-opened my blog after the Thanksgiving Holiday,  and I usually close my blog down for two weeks during Christmas, so I hate to take an additional break right now, but LIFE HAPPENS!

Although I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family, I did suffer a very serious grease burn which I will share more about later.  It's really hysterical since  I just did a Thanksgiving Fashion Post where I talked about the impractical Thanksgiving Outfits most style bloggers were sharing.  Let's just say if I didn't have blue jeans on, I'd probably be in the burn unit of the hospital right now.  Yes, it was that bad.

We  also had a good friend's father pass away. :(  So we will be driving 4 hours to Milwaukee to attend the funeral.

My fall decorations are still up, although I did put the lights up on one tree, but it is still undecorated.

I am no where near completing my Christmas shopping.

So, between my painful burn, having to drop everything to travel to a funeral, and all the Christmas preparations I have yet to do, I just have no time to blog.  I don't know when I will be back.  I don't want to commit to anything.  I just know that until the house is decorated, the shopping is done, and everything has settled down a bit, I need a little break.  Please pray for my burn.  I'm very worried it will leave a large scar.  It's quite large and covers my front calf.  I lost one layer of skin. :(

God Bless! I admire all you ladies that have it so much together than me.  I see most of you have your homes decorated already and your shopping done.  I don't know how you do it!

Have A Great Day!  Amy


  1. 'Sending prayers your way! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. Lots of hugs and prayers Amy.
    I'm so sorry for your burn and your friend's loss.

    1. Thank Jodie. We just got home from the funeral. It was such a beautiful service.

  3. Praying for a fast and full recovery. Take the time you need! It's the healthy thing to do and it sets a great example for women because, spoiler alert, no one has it all together in this fast-paced day! You've developed a loyal following and we'll all be here whenever you decide it's time to come back. Blessings!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Nancy! I can't believe how painful burns are and how long they take to heal!

  5. No need to stress because of a blog! You have more important things to do. hope you are healing well and feeling better soon.

    1. So true Julie! Thanks for reminding me of that. I'm a hobby blogger not a professional one, yet for some reason I treat it like a job and I get upset with myself if I can't make a deadline. So silly.

  6. Amy, I am so sorry to read about your recent burn. I know how painful those can be. Thank goodness you were in jeans! I totally get it about taking a break. I haven't posted my Fabulous Friday linkups the past three weeks because my life has to take priority and at the end of the day my sanity is what's most important. You take care of yourself and I will be praying for quick healing. Hugs to you!

    1. Thanks Jennie! I know already what next year's Thanksgiving Outfit post will be: "What to Wear To Safe In The Kitchen On Thanksgiving Day!" Seriously, I almost was going to wear a short sleeve dress and go bare legged. Thank God I didn't! Yes, I noticed the link ups haven't been there, and I totally understand. Thanks for your prayers.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Amy. And praying your burn heals well.
    It's understandable that you need a break from blogging and we will see you when you return!

    1. Thank you Ellie! He was a wonderful man and it was such a special funeral. Thanks for your prayers!

  8. We all need a break sometimes! Enjoy your time off to relax and recharge!

  9. Oh my goodness, so much bad news! I'm glad the burn was not more sever and I hope you recover quickly from it - definitely take the time to rest up and heal!

    1. Thank you Mica, it actually is a pretty bad burn, but it could have been even worse if I was bare legged that day.

  10. Oh Amy, I'll be praying for peace and quick healing for you! We all need a little break sometimes, don't feel guilty! We'll all be here to read when you get back. :-D

    Pumps and Push-Ups

    1. Thanks Brooke. It's been a week since I got the burn and it just doesn't seem to be healing fast enough for me.

  11. Sweet thing, I am so sorry you have had to deal with this burn. Sounds like it was second degree at the very least. I assume you have had it looked at. Please give yourself this time to heal. Stress can slow your healing down, so taking time away from blogging might be the perfect trick for speeding things along.

    On the evening of my first date with PC, I had a 4-5" scrape on my knee from falling while jogging on my lunch break. It was raw, oozy and messy and I couldn't find anything I could wear comfortably that wouldn't stick to the wound. Finally pulled out culotte-type shorts outfit. Ultra '80s but this was in 2003. My guy was fairly grossed out by my owie and my culottes! But I did get that second date. Must have done something right!
    Take care!

    1. Thank you Leslie. No, I never had it looked at. Probably should have, but I'm one of those middle class Americans who carries a worthless piece of paper in her wallet. I have insurance that cost a lot and covers nothing, so I never go to the doctor. I think it's finally on the mend. It finally stopped oozing after 7 days. I had the same problem you did with your scrape, my bandages would stick to it and every time I had to change the wound I would pull off whatever healing occurred and start the oozing all over again. The culottes story is so funny, because that's what I wore around the house yesterday instead of a bandage. It helped a lot!

  12. Oh gosh Amy, you poor thing! I would be terribly stressed and taking a blogging break, too! We will all be here when you come back to hear more about what happened and how your holidays went! I hope you can go away from this scar free! Take care and safe travels to the funeral.


  13. Sending love your way dear! Take as much time as you need, hope you feel better soon. Also, I'm sorry for your friend's loss.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com


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