Sunday, September 6, 2015

Exterior Fall Decor

As much as I mourn the end of summer, and resent the arrival of fall and cooler weather,  I do still enjoy decorating for it.  I just love all the pretty jewel tones, the pumpkins and squash, the dried corn husks, scarecrows, and the folksy art work that seem to dominate the season.  And of course, I love the changing of the leaves!  The colors in the area that I live are always spectacular, and this year I will really be able to enjoy them because I DON'T WORK ANYMORE!  My former job was in retail, and fall was always our busiest season so thus I was working every weekend.  Now that I'm unemployed, my husband and I will be taking lots of fall drives and fall get-aways on the weekends.  Yippee!  And I promise lots of beautiful pictures for all of you!

For today, I will show you the little bit of decorating I've done outside my house.  I mostly just decorated the side porch that receives the most visitors.  I used decorations I already owned, and did not buy anything new.  So if you have been reading my blog for years, some of this might look very familiar.

I have a rocker right by my door, and I always place a seasonal pillow on it.  I love the primitive nature of this one.  It looks hand made, but I bought it.  It's made of felt and has so many interesting stitches in it.  Aren't those buttons just the cutest?

I hung a pumpkin 'Happy Harvest' sign on the wall, and placed some faux pumpkin and squash underneath on the porch floor.  I use faux ones because we have a lot of raccoons and they would love nothing more than to sink their teeth into real ones!

 This little arrangement is on the other side of the door.  It contains a pretty garden rake sign, more faux squash, and some dried hydrangea.

In addition to changing out the pillow with the seasons, I also change out the "Welcome" sign.  This one has pretty sunflowers on it.

 My annuals are still going strong, so I just mixed the pots in with all the fall decor.  But when they die, I will remove them.

The wreath is up all year long (except for winter),  the sunflower works well for fall, as well as spring and summer.

A small scare crow dolls sits on the table with more faux pumpkins.

A long side view of the porch.

For the yard I have a few pumpkin stakes I put in the ground.  I also have this rusted pumpkin and scare crow that I picked up at a fair years ago.

I don't add much to my front porch, as visitors always tend to come to the side door.  But I did add this hand painted sign to the bottom of the staircase.

I painted it myself using stencils.  My husband made the sign for me.

So what about you?  Do you decorate outside for fall?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a great day!  Amy

Linking up with these fabulous blogs HERE.


  1. Really cute Fall decorations! Loving the pillow! Will probably start with a little re-decorating in a week or two. Can't wait to see some gorgeous Fall scenery on your blog. My family took a mini-vacation to Wisconsin one Fall, the colored leaves were gorgeous along Wisconsin River.


  2. Wow, great Fall inspiration in this post. Love your fall patchwork pillow - so cute!

  3. So festive! Your porch certainly looks inviting! Funny how you are not happy about the end of summer and I am so looking forward to it! Your metal garden art is adorable! I need to remember that so that I can make something similar.

    So glad you joined The Maple Hill Hop this week!

  4. It looks like you are definitely ready for fall! It would be great to sip some cider on your porch.

  5. What great shots, Amy! As your Autumn advances, our Summer approaches in the Southern Hemisphere...
    Thanks for participating in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.


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