Monday, August 10, 2015

#IwillwearwhatIlike, Part Two

I have been having SO MUCH FUN playing #I Will Wear What I Like on Instagram.  If you don't know what this movement is all about, check out my first post HERE.  The fun and games all started August 1st and continue for  the whole month of August;  so if you haven't joined in and want to, there is still time.  It's been a blast looking at every one's photos and seeing how creative they are with coming up with the items on the list.

Last week I showed you the fashion "don'ts for women over thirty" which were over sized sunglasses, graphic tee shirts, and candy pink.  In this post, the fashion "don'ts' are 'Bedazzled Anything',  Blue Eyeshadow, Leopard Print, and Sparkly Pants.

All the pictures below have been posted on Instagram, where I do use filters, so if they look different than my usual blog photos, that's why.

First up, 'Bedazzles Anything'.  I have to admit, this one was hard for me.  I didn't have anything that I felt was truly bedazzled.  Most of the women on Instagram wore anything blitzed out or with rhinestones.  I was going to go that route, and then I remembered my bedazzled scarf.  Hurrah!  I had something.
 I really do love this scarf, and I do wear it and get lots of compliments on it too!  It is a sheer grey gauze scarf with pretty gold studs on the ends.

The next day was blue eyeshadow.  Again, another challenge for me.  I found only a smidgen of dark blue eye shadow in my make up collection because I normally wear browns.  I always felt blue didn't go well with my complexion, hair, and dark brown eyes.  But Catherine, from "Not Dressed As Lamb" commented 'Funnily enough blue eyeshadow is meant to the 'the' color to wear with brown eyes because it enhances the color of your eyes - blue eyes with bronze eye shadows, green with purple, etc."

So here I am in Blues…you be the judge!

The next day was an easy one:  Leopard Print.  Which I thought was one of  the dumbest items on the list.  Don't all mature women wear a lot of leopard?  I have so much leopard in my wardrobe it was ridiculous.  I had several leopard print shirts to choose from, a leopard print scarf, a leopard print belt, a leopard print skirt, and leopard print shoes.

Despite all the leopard prints I already owned, I chose to wear one of my daughter's shirts (who is 27 by the way) because I wanted to wear something I haven't shown you before.  I actually bought this shirt for my daughter several Christmas's ago.  This was the first time I tried it on, and I liked it so much that I might be borrowing it sometime.

And finally, sparkly pants.  My first reaction to this item was 'What the heck are sparkly pants?'  All I could think the author meant was glittery or shimmery pants, of which I had none.  But I so wanted to still participate in the challenge that day!  So, I went to Target, then Kohls, and I found a pair of 'sparkly pants', and did a selfie in the dressing room.  I know, cheating, but I really didn't want to buy them!  Here they are:

Aren't they fun?  You can't get more sparkly and blingy than this!

Well, that's all the fun pictures for this week.  I'll keep updating you weekly on how our anti-age-appropriate movement is going.  If your over thirty, please come and join us!  It's been a blast, and I've really enjoyed getting to meet new fashion bloggers.

Have a great day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. What a fun idea! You look fab in everything!

  2. I really wish I could play along...but I don't like posting my own photos online. I'd wear any of the items, maybe not sparkly pants, but even they would be ok for the right occasion. Now I need to get some purple eye shadow to bring out the green in my eyes.

  3. I'm loving this challenge! I recently read a similar list that informed me I should no longer wear heart-shaped sunglasses...but I LOVE mine! Who makes these rules anyways?!? Thanks for linking-up for Lovely Little à la Mode!


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