Monday, August 17, 2015

#IWillWearWhatILike, Part Three

Before I get into today's fashion post, I just wanted to say that I'm back from an eleven day 'adventure' which I will talk more extensively about on Wednesday's travel post.  I tried very hard to stay active in Blog Land while I was away, doing a few scheduled posts and responding to some emails, but it was almost impossible because I was so busy.  So if you have been feeling ignored, that is why.   I think next time I travel, I will just have to let everyone know and close down the blog for awhile.  I just worry about letting everyone on the Internet know I'm going to be away from home, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, onto today's fashion post!  Even though I was out of town, I still tried to keep up with the challenge #IWillWearWhatILike that goes on for the entire month of August.  (If you still haven't heard of this exciting social media movement, see my first post HERE,  I explain it all there!)  I wasn't able to participate everyday because I didn't have those items with me, so I will be playing catch-up this week.

But these are the days I was able to play along:

Day 8:  Non-Matching Socks

This one was hysterical.  Are there really people out there who wear non-matching socks that it needed to be mentioned in a list of What Not To Wear?

 Day's 9 and 10 I combined into one photograph for I fell behind in the challenge while traveling.  Day 9 was hoop earrings and Day 10 was anything sleeveless.

Again, ridiculous, but for a different reason.  Why in the world would anyone over the age of thirty not be able to wear hoop earrings or anything sleeveless?  Most of the earrings in my collection are hoops, I wear them all the time and never once thought it wasn't 'age appropriate'.  And as for sleeveless, if it's hot out, I'm wearing a tank top….that's it!

 Day 12 was short dresses.  Many 'age appropriate' articles tell women over fifty to wear dresses that fall below the knee.  I always feel that I look 'frumpy' if my dress length is that long and prefer a length that's just above the knee.  This one is much shorter than that.  I wouldn't wear this to church, but I would wear it on a hot day just about anywhere else.
 Day 13 was distressed denim.  Now, most of you know I've been struggling with wearing distressed denim for over a year now.  I bought one pair, and the hole got so big so fast I ended up cutting the pant legs off and making shorts out of them.  The ones I'm wearing below is my second pair that I received from Stitch Fix.  I really like distressed denim on everyone else (no matter what their age), but on me, I only like it in small quantities.  So I have been 'babying' this pair of jeans, only wearing them outside the house, and treating them like a fragile item so that the hole doesn't get too big for my comfort zone again.
 And the last one that I was able to participate in this week was Day 14:  Tube Tops.  I already stated on Instagram that this was the hardest one of them all that I had to do because my tummy is my trouble spot.  But in the spirit of the challenge, I wanted to be brave…so I did it.  Here is me, at 52 wearing a tube top!  I haven't worn one since high school, in fact, one of my childhood friends on Instagram saw my post and contacted me.  She said she had a picture of me when I was in Junior High wearing a tube top.  She is going to email it to me.  I can't wait to see it.
Now, just so you know, I did not wear this outfit outside the house.  I put it on just to take the picture, then off it came!  But, if anyone over thirty wants to wear a tube top, go for it!  No judgement here.

If you'd like to read more on the topic of social media attitudes about age appropriate dressing, see Catherine's article "Dressing Without the Fear of 'What Will Others Think...?'" from Not Dressed As Lamb.  It is very insightful and worth the read.

Linking up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE.


  1. I love this! You look great in all of these styles but I love that blue and white dress and the cute kimono! Susan

  2. Love that you took on this challenge! You look amazing in all these pics. :)

  3. And you are still rocking that to contact Amy! I just love this Series so much it was so fun coming by today And seeing you're cute stuff! That blue and white dress is adorable too, not to mention the graphic T! I hope your Monday is off to a great start beautiful lady!

  4. Cute outfits!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  5. Love all the looks, you cute, my fave is the jeans.

  6. I have really loved this series! Who makes up these "rules"?? Girlfriend, you can rock any of those looks! You have great legs and abs I might add!

  7. What a fun challenge! You look fabulous in all of these outfits! I love that blue and white printed dress!

    Doused In Pink

  8. I love that you are doing this challenge! I can't believe some of the things on the list! I completely agree with wearing what makes you comfortable. You are showing that that can happen at any age.
    Thanks for linking up!

  9. Such a lovely set of outfits, they really suit you!

  10. Love that pretty blue and white dress on you! I like my dresses just above the knee too. I think there are ways to reinforce distressed denim so the holes don't get bigger. I am sure there are tutorials on pinterest! :)

  11. Great challenge to take part in! You totally rocked all of the looks :) #allaboutyou

  12. I prefer a dress' length to be just above the knee. That white+blue dress is mighty cute. I love blue+white prints, so much.

  13. I still think that this challenge is so fun! I definitely think you should be able to wear what you like and what you feel comfortable matter what! Thanks for linking-up for Lovely Little à la Mode!

  14. Love that first dress! Thanks for linking up with us on Start The Week Stylish!
    xo - Ana Luiza
    The Northwest Blonde

  15. I would say that tee is definitely making an appropriate statement haha! I love how confident you are in all of these outfits and trends.
    Thank you for linking up to "Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me" I hope you can join again this coming Tuesday!
    Rachel xo
    Please stop by Bloggers Who Have Inspired Me link up here

  16. What a fun challenge! I love stepping out of my comfort zone when it comes to fashion! It's fun to take some risks!


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