The third picture shows a close-up of how I tie my curtains back for the holidays. Its a simple burgundy and gold ribbon, with some greenery and an ornament.
Here is a view of the dining room as seen if you were standing in the living room. The wood stove (not pictured) is to the right of the chair. I tied simple gold artificial flowers and greenery above the arch. Everyone always asks me how I adhere all my greenery to the moldings without ruining them. Well, I hate to say this, but I use little tiny white finishing nails that are put in inconspicuous places and LEFT THERE ALL YEAR. So the next year when I'm ready to decorate again, my nails are already in place. But just don't tell my husband about the nails in the molding. I don't think even he knows. LOL! The intricate metal pieces under the molding are simple plant hangers sprayed white and hung upside. And of course, I bought them on clearance at the end of the gardening season.
The colors of the living room are green and red. There is a red wall (same color as the red in the dining room) behind the wood stove, and the rest of the walls are painted green to match the oriental carpet. The sofas in this room are twenty years old. I'm only hanging on to them in case my kids need them when they set up their first apartments, then they will be gone and I'll finally get some new furniture. I have two sets of slipcovers for them that I change out with the seasons. A white set for spring/summer and a burgundy set for fall/winter. The entertainment center actually use to be a bedroom dresser that I bought from my friend Leni. Originally it was a stained brown color, then Leni 'updated' it and painted it a nice taupe color. I kept the piece that way for years as a dresser in my daughter's room; but then we needed an entertainment center, so I had my husband remove the top drawers and I painted it black and distressed it slightly and wa-la! A brand new piece of furniture.
Here is a close-up of the display above the entertainment center. I bought the silver trees at Walmart last year after Christmas for about 75% off.
Here is a picture of my living room Christmas tree and staircase Garland. The entire tree is decorated only in burgundy and gold ornaments. This tree takes me ALL DAY to decorate. You would not believe how many ornaments are on it!
As always, nothing in this room was original to the house when we bought it. All the moldings, the wainscot ceiling, the wood stove, and the staircase were added in the renovation. The staircase was covered in orange shag carpet and had a flat railing and plain, rectangular spindles that looked more like they belonged on an outside deck instead of inside a 100 year old house. The lace curtains, were, however, left when we purchased the house. I've kept them up now for ten years, but I am beginning to think they are kinda dated and will probably replace them with some silk drapes when I get new furniture.
Thats it for day three! Have a great day! Amy
Beautiful!! How inviting to walk in the front door and be greated with this spectacular staircase...and the tree is lovely.
ReplyDeleteSTUNNING!!! I agree with my daughter ... what a beautiful entry way ... so warm & inviting!! The photo of your staircase you used as your holiday header on your blog is GORGEOUS & PERFECT!!! Thanks again for doing this... if no one else, be sure Carolyn & I are loving every minute of the tour!!!!!!!!