Monday, September 12, 2016

What I Discovered About Myself Since I Started Style Blogging

 My husband has been on vacation all week so we have been enjoying a little "Staycation".  We were suppose to take another "real" vacation to the Dakota's to see the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, and all that jazz, but we got hit with a lot of unexpected bills and thought we better sit tight for awhile.  But we made the best of it and went to a fun wildlife zoo up north (which I will talk about on Sunday's Lifestyle Post), a short visit to Illinois to see our kids and their new apartment, and we spent a rainy day in town seeing a movie, shopping, and out-to-eat.

 This is the outfit I wore the day we went to town.  It was a cool, rainy day in the low sixties.  I love cardigans for this type of weather because they are so easily removable.  I especially love this one because it's super thin.  I have found that I prefer thin sweaters over thick, chunky ones, they are less bulky, and I can always add more layers if I need more warmth.

Everything I am wearing is super old except the tee shirt, which I picked up on clearance for $5.49 at JCP.  It is by St. John's Bay and is not available on-line, I purchased mine in store one week ago.  I don't normally buy tee shirts because I already have a ton of them, but I thought this one was super cute, and at that price, it's practically free!

My cobalt blue cardigan is the boyfriend style, which is my favorite style of cardigan.  My jeans are also boyfriend style.  I don't find the boyfriend style jean that flattering on me, but they are so comfortable I love to wear them.

I wore an old silver and red necklace to pick up on the red print in the tee shirt.

I carried a nude cross-body bag by Lulu.

I bought these Converse sneakers two years ago and this is only the second time I wore them.  I don't know why, but I feel so silly wearing Converse sneakers.  I know all the style bloggers are wearing them, and I love them on everyone else, but when I wear them, they just don't feel like me.  I think in the three years I have been style blogging I've discovered something about myself:  don't buy something just because other style bloggers are wearing it if you don't like it on you!  Duh!  Makes a lot of sense, but it took me three years to figure that out.  In the past I use to run out and buy just about anything that was trending on the style blogs.  I did that because I wanted to be trendy and get out of a style rut.  And that's a good reason, but you also having to feel that your being true to yourself, and there were many things I was wearing that just wasn't "me".  Converse sneakers are one of those things.  I'm debating whether to sell them on Poshmark now or just wear them on occasion.  They are quite comfortable, although my husband did tease me a bit for wearing them when we went on our "date".  Hmmm, what do you think:  keep or sell?

I'm at a cross roads in my style blogging.  From my perspective, it seems most style bloggers just imitate each other.  If something is trending, like off-the-shoulder tops for example, every style blogger is posting off-the-shoulder tops.  So, thinking I need to be in-style too, I went to the store and tried on several off-the-shoulder tops.  And you know what, I looked terrible in them!  I have very round, fatty shoulders and they just looked awful on me.  Plus, they were so uncomfortable, I knew I would be miserable wearing them.  So I chose to skip that trend.  But it caused me to re-evaluate why I buy the things that I do and style blogging in general.  Didn't style blogs originate in the first place so women (or men) could show their own, unique fashion style?  Then why are we all copying each other?

When I saw this tee shirt, I thought "I like it.  It will look great with jeans and a denim jacket in the fall.  It will also coordinate well with just about all my summer shorts and skirts.  But is it trendy?  Hmm, not sure.  I never saw any other bloggers wearing it.  But the print looks like a bandanna print...and bandannas are trending.  You know what, I don't care if other bloggers are wearing this or not.  I like it, so I'm buying it."  And I guess, that will be the direction I am going as a style blogger from now on.  I'm not going to buy something just because it's trending so I will look like everyone else.  I'm only going to buy what I like, what I look good in, and most importantly, what I feel comfortable wearing and that I feel is "me".

Now that's not to say I won't be buying new styles...I love to follow the trends.  I just have to be careful that I only follow a trend if it's true to me and my lifestyle, and not just because everyone else is wearing it.

On a final note, I have decided to discontinue with the Lookastic links on the bottom of my fashion posts.  Google sent me an email that my blog has "Unnatural, outbound links that violate Google Webmaster Guidelines....and a manual spam action has been applied to my blog".  I want to assure all my readers that this is not true, I only link to the store that is selling what I am wearing as a courtesy of my readers.  I do not do fashion posts or any other type of posts to earn an income, but only because I enjoy writing about the things I love and my life.   But to be in compliance with Google I am in the process of either deleting my links or attaching a "no follow" to all my links.  However, because my blog is over eight years old, and I have over 1650 posts, this will take me a long time to do and Google won't remove the manual spam action until every single link has been removed or fixed.  Nice, huh?  I was on the Google help forum for hours the other night reading comments from many other fashion bloggers who have been affected by this.  It is so frustrating and upsetting.  If you haven't been caught by Google yet and don't know about this new law you cannot link to any store or website from your blog without adding "no follow".  It's ridiculous.  I was so upset about this, I even thought about deleting my blog and starting over because that would be less time consuming then fixing all those links.  But I can't do that because my blog is essentially my on-line diary and I would then lose all my memories.   So I will fix each and every link, even if it takes me months.  Wish me luck!

Have a Great Day...and I hope Google doesn't catch you too!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE.


  1. Cute outfit! I like the Converse! They look really cute with the outfit! I have never owned a pair of Converse sneakers because (even though I like them on others) I was never sure how much wear I would actually get out of them.

    I hear you about the trends and seeing the same items on so many blogs. I, too, skipped the off-the-shoulder trend as I knew I wouldn't be comfortable. I owned an OTS top years ago, and it was a nightmare... I don't purposefully follow a lot of trends but like to incorporate new items into my wardrobe here and there to stay current. Many items in my closet are actually quite old... I think reading blogs sometimes reminds me that I "need" a certain item though... :-)

    Keep showing what you like regardless of if it's trendy. I think it makes for a much more interesting blog!

    1. Thanks Andrea. I think I'll keep the Converse, even if I don't wear them that much. They are still a comfy, practical sneaker.

  2. Everything goes together so well in this outfit! Great buy again from JCP! The shoes look really cute with everything too. I used to own a pair of Converse many many years ago, thought about buying a pair again, but I never do, I think I just feel like you, that they just aren't "me" anymore. However, since you already own them and they are comfy, why not keep them? I think they would make a great casual Fall shoe that looks great with jeans, and the color you have is great too!

    Sorry you didn't get to go to the SD area this time around, but I am sure you will one day. I would love to go back again in Fall, but the kids never have enough days off from school to be able to do anything in Fall :-(

    1. Thanks Elli, I'll keep the Converse...I sure hope I get to SD next year!

  3. I do like the converse sneakers---I know what you mean though. My first pair of dark grey ones I've worn a couple times, but I never thought they looked right. But my silver pair is so much easier to wear (I'm not exactly sure why)! And I think they are a great option when walking tons---I can put my orthotics in them and not hurt!
    What a pain about google!! So how do you attach a "no follow" on your links?

    1. Thanks Jodie, it's official, according to the consensus I'll keep the Converse. As far as the no follow links, there is an explanation of how to do that on Google. I'm lucky because I use blogger as my host and when I go to add a link a little box appears that you can check if you want the no follow attribute added. That's a lot easier than typing it in. Except, I have to go through 1650 posts and now check that box. UGH!

  4. Boyfriend sweaters are one of my favorites too, and I could not love this color more on you! Perfect transitional fall look!


  5. I honestly love these Converse on you! I have a pair and I don't wear them as often as I thought I would, I think because I'd rather wear my Toms which are comfier... or my Sperrys which I love, too! I have yet to find a pair of boyfriend jeans that look good on me, I love this pair on you. It does seem that one trend will appear and you see EVERYONE wearing it- such as the cold shouldered tops and off the shoulder tops. I do love trying the new trends, but I agree... some just don't work for me personally!


    1. Thanks Carrie, I'm keeping the Converse! I've never tried Toms or Sperrys, I'll have to try on a pair next time I'm shopping.

  6. You definitely have to remain true to yourself when blogging! It can be hard at times! Hope you get your blog figured out!

    1. Thanks Ruth. I'm still working on those links. I'm on page two of 100 pages! :)

  7. I like the converse and they look great with this outfit, but if you don't like 'em thats what matters! Sell them and get something you LOVE!
    I have not been successful in finding an off the shoulder top thats good on me, except if it has straps also. I have two of those and I love them. But again, if you don't love them, skip it!
    :) gwingal

    1. Thanks Nikki. I think I'll keep the Converse for now, but from now on I won't buy anything I don't absolutely love whether it's trending or not. I haven't tried an off the shoulder top with straps...if I see one, I'll try it on. That might be a better alternative for me.

  8. What a great post my friend!! First off, I was cracking up at "$5.49 It's practically free!!" I say that all the time! And my hubby replys with "And yet it's not." Haha. The Converse look very youthful on you. I don't have them, but I can't really see them being my style either.

    I have decided that I truly enjoy and appreciate bloggers who show us real life style, not what all the other bloggers are wearing. Thanks you for staying true to what you like. It is much more interesting to tune in and see what outfit you have put together, than what some other bloggers have put together from their Nordstrom orders! Keep the real outfits coming!

    1. LOL! Thanks Karen! I'm a sucker for a great sale, and actually, the top was probably less than that because I used a $10 off $25 coupon, so it was even closer to being free!

  9. I totally agree with your style blogger thoughts. I find there is a fine line between inspiration and imitation. We just have to try and stay true to ourselves. You be you, you are doing it perfectly. Love this look, your blue cardi is fantastic!

    xx, Elise

    1. Thanks Elise, I like your comment "there is a fine line between inspiration and imitation". I started to read fashion blogs to be inspired, but it can be so easy to fall into the habit of imitating.

  10. What a steal on that fun top! I love cardigans on days like that too!

  11. I love this T-shirt with ethno motive. This is perfect comfy outfit for family day. Thank you to share it with My Red Carpet.

    Anna xoxo

    1. Thank you, but I'm afraid to admit I don't know what "ethno motive" is. Thanks for your fun link up too!

  12. Girl, you need to keep those Converse out where you see them and wear them. I saw this tee at JCP and should have bought it. Always love a paisley. This outfit is very flattering. You look just precious.

    1. Thanks Leslie. I'm keeping the Converse and I will try to wear them more. Maybe if I wear them more often, I'll get use to seeing them on my feet and they will feel more like 'me'.

  13. Thanks for linking up to the Top of the World Style linkup party.

  14. This is such a cute outfit! I am not personally a fashion blogger, but I have noticed how it seems everyone is wearing the same thing at the same time, so I have to agree with you! People should embrace their individuality! Thanks for sharing at the Grace + Lace Linkup!


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