Friday, September 2, 2016

Shopping Summer Clearance

I was just telling another style blogger that I don't shop clearance racks too often.  I just do not have the patience for them, plus I think by the time they hit clearance they are yesterday's news.  I no longer let those words out of my mouth, when I found myself finding one amazing summer item after another on clearance, and today's dress is one of those items.  I bought the items because a)  I needed them, b) I got a great deal on them, and c) summer clothes really don't change much year after year so I know I'll get more use out of them next year.  The stores are desperate to get rid of their summer clothes.  I was just at J.C. Penney and Macy's today and they both had their summer clothes at 70% off!  

Today's dress is one of those bargains.  It was originally $60.00 and put on clearance for $16.99.  Then I had a $10.00 off a $25.00 purchase coupon (I bought a summer top as well), so the dress cost me only $11.23!!!!  

 The dress is sleeveless, and it was a little cool in the morning so I wore a shrug over the shoulders.

What sold me on this dress other than the color and fabric was the blue braided trim across the front;  I thought that was such a pretty detail.  They had this same design in tops as well, so I bought one in white.  It is pictured below.  Isn't it cute?  I think it will be so cool and comfy in the summer, but I can also see wearing it with a denim jacket and jeans in the fall.


As the day heated up (and boy did get it hot), I removed the shrug and put it in my purse.  It was little, so it fit!  This is the perfect dress to wear on hot days.  The dress looks and feels like gauze, but it made of rayon.  It comes with a matching pink slip (how nice is that?) that is made of polyester.

The dress also comes with a matching belt, but I didn't wear mine this day because the weather was hot and I wanted the dress to be loose and not touching my skin.  Here's what the dress looks like with the belt:

I noticed the model also has her dress tied at the neckline, whereas I left mine open.

I wore this dress to the Minnesota State Fair.  It was a long day of walking and eating so I wanted my hands free and carried a blue cross body bag.  The only jewelry I wore was this pretty multi-colored beaded bracelet.  I didn't feel the need to wear a necklace when the dress itself has such a pretty neckline.

I wore my Liz Claiborne sandals that I purchased for $2.60 on my last shoe haul.  I had a $15.00 shoe rewards, plus a $15.00 off coupon, that's how I got these so cheap.  If you could have only seen the expression on the sales clerks face when she rang up that total.  It was priceless.  Anyway, even though these sandals look gorgeous, and they matched my outfit perfectly, I should not have worn them to the fair.  They are very comfortable and easy to walk in, but not for miles, and miles, and miles.  They do not offer the support needed for a long distance walking. I ended up with a couple of very big blisters at the end of the day!  Ouch!

All these pictures were taken at the outside floral exhibit of the fair.  I was so impressed with their exhibits and I plan on doing a special post on Sunday about it.  Even if your not a flower lover, you might want to read this post:  they combined both flowers and fashion in their displays!  It was brilliant!

I think if your going to shop clearance racks, summer is definitely the season to do it.  Summer styles do not change all that much in comparison to other seasons.  I mean, how many different ways can they make a tank or sleeveless top?  And shorts change style usually only in length, and most of us ignore that and wear the length we feel most comfortable in anyway.

It is really hard for me to find a dress that it a modest length and comfortable.  I think I will get a lot of use out of it in the years to come.  I also think I can change the look a lot by adding belts, sweaters, hats, and jackets.

On this day, I just wanted to be cool and comfortable, so I wore the dress loose and fancy free.  But I am looking forward to styling it in more different ways in the future.

Everything I have on is still available to purchase on the J.C. Penney website, but you won't find the prices I paid for them.  I would suggest checking your local JCP store, because I think they are cheaper in-store than they are on-line.  And don't forget, you can use coupons on clearance items at JCP!

Liz Claiborne Sleeveless Bib-Front Dress HERE, Liz Claiborne Sleeveless Bib Front White Shell Top HERE, and Liz Claiborne Lally strap Thong Sandals HERE.

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. Love a good deal! It's such a great color on you!!

  2. One of these days I am taking you on a shopping spree at JC Penney so you can show me your ways. Fantastic deals on two fantastic pieces: the dress and the sandals. There you go wearing pretty purple again. I want the white top version of your dress. And I am looking forward to your flower+fashion post.

    Have a great weekend, Amy!

    1. LOL! Ada, if you had any idea how many women want to go shopping with me. I was just shopping yesterday with a friend and she noticed I paid $15.00 for $25.00 worth of clothes and she wanted to know "How I do It". So funny. Thank you!

  3. I really love this bright pink color in this dress and yes the detail around the neckline is really pretty! I sadly don't shop clearance racks too often. I do like to use coupons/coupon codes, tho!


    1. Thanks Carrie, I love the color too. I normally don't shop clearance racks, I don't know what's come over me. I think maybe I've just been in the shopping mood, plus, I haven't had the desire to buy fall items because it seemed the styles didn't change much from last year.

  4. Perfect for a warm day the fair! Although I do know what you mean about comfortable supportive shoes for a day of walking. I find thats how I think more and more as I get older. That dress will look really cute in the early Fall with any of your denim jackets. Flowers and fashion? I look forward to Sunday's post!

    1. Thanks Karen. I've already tried the dress on with denim jackets and it looks fab because of the blue trim in the dress!

  5. A really pretty dress and such a nice color too! You definitely have inspired me to shop more at JCP with all your amazing finds!

    1. Thanks Elli! JCP is definitely the place to shop for bargains!

  6. Just love JCP. I scored three great active wear tops yesterday in-store. With the coupons and mark-downs, they were almost free. What a beautiful space for your photos. Is this a county fair? Gorgeous.

    1. They have so much active wear on clearance right now. I was looking at some myself but resisted it because I really didn't need more active wear. Yes, this is a fair, it's the Minnesota State Fair.

  7. What a great deal on that dress! Love the bright color and detail at the top!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  8. That's a great dress! I love the color! I don't usually have the patience for clearance racks either, but sometimes I pick up an item that I'll wear for years! Plus, since it's pretty mild here in California, I am able to wear a lot of summer clothes for most of the year. Your dress is a great find!

    1. Thanks Andrea, you so lucky you can wear summer clothes most of the year.

  9. Amy, I love the detail around the dress and magenta is a great color on you, very pretty!
    thanks for linking up with turning heads tuesday
    jess xx

  10. I like to browse the clearance racks now and again just because items could have been returned. I have found quite a few gems that way! Love this dress, the color is fabulous on you!

    1. Thanks Laura! I never thought of looking at clearance for that reason.


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