Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hocking Hills: Cantwell Cliffs and Rock House

This post is day one of a travel series of our road trip in the midwest where we traveled to four states Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, and Indiana to visit one state park, two national parks, and a historic farm.

Today I am excited to start a new travel series with you!  Normally I write my travel posts in the winter as I do not have the time during the summer due to garden season, but I seem to forget a lot by the time winter rolls aroundπŸ˜„, so I'm gonna try to write my travel posts more promptly after taking my trips.

Rock House, Hocking Hills Ohio

This year our travel plans were made by the arrival of a new grand baby.  We knew the baby was due in May, sometime around Mother's Day so we planned a trip around the new baby.  Our first stop on our adventure was Indiana to welcome baby Lazarus into the world and to celebrate Mother's Day.  

We made a road trip loop beginning and ending in Indiana.   We first went east to Ohio and West Virginia, then we headed southwest to Kentucky,  ending our trip back in Indiana again.

After spending Mother's Day weekend with family, we headed out bright and early Monday morning for Hocking Hills, Ohio.

I had never heard of Hocking Hills before and I was absolutely blown away by it!  How has this incredible place been kept a secret for so long, and more importantly how is this in Ohio?  πŸ˜†  Sorry my Ohio residents, but when I picture the state of Ohio in my mind, these images do not come to mind.

Hocking Hills is a state park in the Hocking Hills region of Ohio.  Within the park are 25 miles of hiking trails, rock formations, waterfalls, and recessed caves.  

Cantwell Cliffs

Our first stop was Cantwell Cliffs.  This is the most remote part of the region, but it worked out perfectly for us because it was the first stop coming from the direction we were originating from, so it wasn't remote at all.   

This trail is a one way one mile in one mile out loop and the highlight of this trail is the narrow rock steps in-between two large rock formations.  It was so funny taking this trail because one minute your literally standing on top of a hard, flat surface (the top of the rock) and the next minute you see a narrow opening descending down into a mysterious abyss.

It is tricky getting down these narrow, steep, stone steps, I sure appreciated having my walking sticks with me.

This area of the trail is known as "Fat Woman's Squeeze". Don't worry, I managed to squeeze through.  πŸ˜‚

The trail then leads to this recessed cave that stands about 150 feet tall.  During the rainy season a waterfall (you can see remnants of the waterfall in the photo below) falls over the edge.

The trail goes through a beautiful forest. 

There is an old stone bridge on the trail, you can see it at the very top center of this picture.

And here I am standing on that very same bridge.

Rock House

The next stop on our route was Rock House.  Wow! This is definitely not to be missed if visiting Hocking Hills.  

Once again, there are lots of stone steps...bring those walking sticks!

The trail to get to Rock House was gorgeous, filled with so many interesting rock formations.

Rock House Loop Trail is only one mile long loop.

I'm always fascinated by moss and tree roots!

And here I am, standing just outside the entrance to Rock House. 

The inside of Rock House was incredible!  I loved the gothic arched "windows" and the great sandstone columns.  I loved how the light poured in through all the "windows".  

Seriously, how is this Ohio?  πŸ˜†

I liked how the windows framed in the scenery.  It is just as interesting to look out from inside the cave as it is to be looking at the inside of the cave.

Here is a short video showing my excitement at seeing Rock House for the first time:

After exiting cave another 'dry' waterfall greets you.  I imagine during the rainy season there is much more water flowing over the edge into the pond below.

There's also another beautiful old stone bridge that is no long used for safety reasons.  They build a new one right alongside it.

 Next week I'll cover more trails inside the Hocking Hills region...the best is yet to come!

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. You're right, these spectacular views would never come to mind when I hear the name Ohio. Hard to believe the best is yet to come. Love all the photos and video.

    1. Yes, it was incredible and hard to believe I was in Ohio. Stay tuned, you won't be disappointed. Thanks so much.

  2. Oh wow; this looks like such an incredible place to explore. Who knew Ohio had such hidden gems? I can only imagine my husband's face when I tell him I want to go hiking in Ohio! LOL

    1. It really is incredible, I had such a hard time believing I was in Ohio.

  3. What a lovely trip- and I never would've guessed that hike was in Ohio! Your shots are gorgeous!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  4. Oh, wow. What an incredibly beautiful place to visit! How nice to have a little Mother's Day visit with family, too. Visiting from the Gma'sPhoto Generic Linkup.

  5. Such beautiful and intriguing rock formations. The name "Fat Woman's Squeeze" made me laugh!

    1. They sure are! Yes, I was actually surprised by that because from my past travel experiences, these tight areas are usually named for a man, this was the first one I came around that was named for a woman.

  6. That is a great picture of you with your daughter and grands.
    That hike looks great.. you got some wonderful pictures.

  7. Again, congrats on the new grandchild. What a beautiful place to hike. Very nice.

  8. Wow, what a beautiful place! I've never heard of it but am glad to know about it now!

    1. It sure is. I've never heard of it before either.

  9. Wow! What amazing views and an amazing place to hike in. I loved the video showing your amazement. That's so wondeful.

    Your new grandbaby is so adorable! What a beautiful photo!

    1. Thank you. I'm glad you took time to watch the video. We are in love with the new little guy. Thanks so much.

  10. What a lovely hike.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 315. See you again next week at
    Please do not forget to come and join each W-S #WordlessWednesday (Words are also welcome)

  11. Such beautiful views once again with all these gorgeous rock formations. The "windows" look amazing! Not sure how my husband who used to go camping in this state park as a child/young teen never had the idea to go hiking here. But we live over 8 hours away and most of his family no longer lives there and we've only been to Ohio twice since we got married. Definitely adding this to my bucket list. I had no idea how beautiful this state park is!

    1. They are amazing! I couldn't believe Hocking Hills wasn't a national park, it was so incredible. I'm not sure how your husband spent time in this park and never hiked either. The trails are amazing!

  12. Amy what an awesome time! I so enjoy virtually traveling with you.
    Thanks' so much for sharing with Sweet Tea & Friend's June link-up.

    Ps: I'm happy to tell you that I will be featuring your post at Sweet Tea & Friend's July link-up.


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