Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Bible Journaling: My November Pages Luke 13 thru John 1

Once a month I like to share my Bible Journaling Pages and what God has been teaching me.  In the month of November I continued my study of the book of Luke.    Sometimes I just color in the preprinted images of the "Inspire Bible" (available on Amazon) and I also create my own pages.
Unless otherwise stated, all the images are colored in with either gel pens or colored pencils.  I tend to color larger areas with pencils then get the more intricate spots with pens.  I high light my Bible with gel highlighters, and I usually use gelatos or  craft paint for my backgrounds.

Hello!  I am back from a two week holiday break.  I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas and New Year's celebrations.  I had a wonderful Christmas week, then I spent most of last week getting the Christmas decor down and putting the house back together.  Everything is quiet and normal again.  Sigh.  

I always try to post my Bible Journaling Pages the last Tuesday of every month, but since I was on break last week,  I'm just getting around to posting my November pages.  I will be back on my regular schedule at the end of the month;  so you will get two Bible Journaling posts for the month of January.

In November I finished the book of Luke and started the book of John.  I was so excited to finish Luke as it meant I was almost done with the gospels and I was getting closer to the real meat of the New Testament.

My first page is one I created myself.  I believe the Lord's return is closer now than at any other point in history.  I want to "Be ready" for Him and not be caught unaware.  So I created this page based on the verses in Luke 12: 35-39.  "Be ready to open the door and let Him in the moment He arrives".   Also "...be ready all the time for the Son of Man will come when least expected".  I used stamps for "Be Ready",  then I cut out two arrows to point upward signifying the rapture.  I hand wrote the Bible verse.

My next page is a pre-printed image highlighting the three lost parables in Chapter 15.  I colored the words using an ombre technique.

This next pre-printed page is a verse  I've been practicing a lot lately.  I feel my prayers are pretty much the same every day.  There are so many sick people to pray for.  I feel overwhelmed that the prayer requests for the sick never seem to end.  I find it so discouraging and I keep asking God "Why?" But like the persistent widow I will also remain persistent praying for the sick and all the other issues that are facing us today.

This is a cute page I created myself.  I colored the background in craft paint to represent both boys and girls.  The images were stamped  on card stock, colored in, cut out, and glued on the page.  Then I used an assortment of alphabet sticker to create the verse.

In another page I created myself, I used the top half of the page to illustrate the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus and the lower half of the page for some Bible Study notes on the story.  The image was found on the Internet under  "Free Bible Coloring Pages".  I simply printed it onto sticker paper, colored it in, cut it out, and stuck it to the page.  

I love this next verse.  I cannot wait for the day when "EVERYONE" will see Jesus coming.  What a day that will be!

A pre-printed page I colored with gel pens.

I love how the artist of the "Inspire Bible" illustrated the ending of the book of Luke.  I wanted these pages to be extra special so I colored the background with craft paint.  This blue craft paint was water based, so I was able to take a wet brush and just drag the blue over the words as if it were watercolors.  It created a lighter area so I could still see the words.  I then colored everything else with pencils and then I added some gems to the top of the page.  

I ended the month of November in the first chapter of John.  This is the title page.  Because the book of John is a "Love Gospel",  I used reds for the colors of the chapter.  

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!



  1. Oh sincerely I am not fan of wiriting in books

    1. Well then I would say Bible Journaling is not for you. Many Christians write in their Bibles and/or highlight their Bible to help them learn and delve deeper into the word of God. This Bible, the "Inspire Bible" was specifically designed for Bible Journaling by providing large margins to take notes or draw illustrations. They have also created their own illustrations in the Inspire Bible for readers to color in. That is what this Bible was created for: to write/color in. I have many other types of Bibles that I do not write/color in.

  2. Your Bible Journaling is truly amazing!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!Glad to hear that you had a great Christmas Holiday!! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!!!Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. Thanks so much Debbie! Yes, I had a great Christmas with family.

  3. Lovely and inspiring, Amy. I'm glad you had a good two-week break, and I look forward to your end of January post.
    ~Lisa, Visiting from Grammy's Grid World Religions

  4. Oh, WOW, love the title page! Thanks so much for sharing your post at the Exploring World Religions Linkup 15 so that we can better understand each other through our religion, faith, or beliefs. Pinned and/or shared!

  5. Amy, these pages not only show your creative energy, but also your deep devotion to God and His Word. I love just sitting with them and seeing the detail and beauty of words and color.

    1. Thank you Linda. Those are the sweetest words ever.

    2. Happy to feature you on Porch this weekend!

    3. Oh, that's awesome! Thanks for letting me know!

  6. Great inspirational pages, Amy. Love how you used to blue craft paint!

  7. Amy, these are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


  8. Oh, the colors, the brilliance of color you achieve with the gels pens and colored pencils. Love the 'lost and found' and the 'Jesus'. What glue do you use to adhere the little boy and girl onto the pages. I keep saying I am going to try stamping in my Bible but haven't experimented with it yet. You always inspire me, my friend.

  9. CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at the Exploring World Religions Linkup 16!


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