Friday, October 25, 2019

Blue and Gold

This is a pre-scheduled post.  I am in Illinois helping my daughter with my grandchildren.  They do not have Internet service so I will be unable to respond to comments or visit your blogs until I return.

I am not a sports fan at all but when I started to write this post I couldn't help but to think of the "Blugolds".  When I first moved to this area I kept hearing that word and I couldn't figure out for the life of me what it meant.  Finally, I just asked someone and she told me it was the name of our local university's  sports teams.  She said they combined the words "blue" and "gold" and made "Blugolds".  I still think it's weird, but my outfit today would definitely represent team spirit!

In today's outfit I am wearing three pieces I received in my October box from Stitch Fix, the blue shirt, the bag, and the earrings.  Everything else is old but I will try and find similar items for you and link to them at the end of the post.

I bought this sweater two years ago from JCPenney.  You can see another way I styled it HERE.  It was definitely popular  and they sold out as fast as you could blink an eye.  The chenille is so soft, and the gold color is perfect for fall.

I thought the neutral bag I received from Stitch Fix would go perfect with this outfit.  It can be used as a clutch or a cross body bag.  In my Sweater Dress Post  I showed it as a clutch, here I am showing it as a cross body bag.

I carried the "Blugold" theme throughout my outfit by choosing a blue and gold ring and a blue bracelet.

This is the top  received in my October box from Stitch Fix.  It is by Daniel Rainn and is called "Darrel Crochet Yoke Knit Top".  You guys,  I can't even begin to tell you how comfy this top is!  The knit is so soft and the material moves with my body.  It feels like I'm in my PJ's when I wear it.

The crochet trim is so pretty and I love the pleats.

I'm wearing the earrings that also came in this Fix.  They are a hammered finished silver metal with a strip of gold in the middle.  

I carried the neutral look of the bag down to my feet by wearing these light beige perforated booties.

Top:  Daniel Rainn, similar HERE, HERE, and this one in Plus size only.  Cardigan:  old, similar HERE, HERE, HERE, and this one in Plus size only.  Bag:  similar HERE.  Booties:  similar HERE 
Earrings:  similar HERE and HERE.

Be sure to come back on Monday to see a review of my entire box from Stitch Fix as well as the results of my Instagram Poll!

Have A Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. I think the name is weird too, but I love the color combination! Have a good weekend Amy!

    1. Isn't it weird? It doesn't represent or mean anything and it's kinda hard to say too. It's hard to say the "D" at the end. But yes, it is a pretty color combo. Thank you!

  2. Great look Amy. Love the blue top, such great details! the cardigan looks so cozy and a perfect color for fall!

  3. I love blue and gold, my old high school colors!! Love the crocheted detail on your top, so beautiful! I hope you are having a wonderful visit with your daughter and grandchildren!

    xx, Elise

    1. It seems like it's a lot of school colors. That, and blue and white Thanks so much!

  4. What an amazing backdrop you have there - beautiful view! That outfit is gorgeous! I seriously need to give StitchFix a try! I love that sweater and it looks amazing with that cardigan. I can't wait to see what you kept from the October box. Have a wonderful time with your daughter and grandkids!


    1. Thank you! It's so picturesque isn't it? Yes, you should try Stitch Fix. I had a great time with the grandkids.

  5. Looks great. My kind of casual clothes. - Margy

  6. What a lovely setting! Perfect for this autumnal outfit. Blue and gold look fabulous together. I love chenille. The blue top is beautiful, I love the crochet trim and pleats!

    Time spent with grandchildren is never wasted! Have fun!


    1. Thanks Carmen! I had a great time with the grandkids.

  7. These colors together looks very flattering:**

  8. My high school colors were also blue and gold. Then I went to the University of Utah--red and white. Anyway, back to the fashion, I like the blue and gold combination, but my favorite items were actually the neutral boots and bag. All in all, very nice. Thanks for sharing it with us, Amy.

    1. Blue and gold and red and white tend to be popular color combos for schools, don't they. I think the neutral shoes and bag balance out all the color. Thanks so much.

  9. Love both of these, really cozy and elegant colors.

    Jessica |

  10. What a gorgeous back drop for your fashion show. Love the way your snuggly chenille sweater matches the colors of the leaves on the trees.

    1. Yes, I'm lucky to have that spot in town to photograph in front of. Someday I'll have to take the grand kids there for a photo shoot. Thanks Leslie.


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