Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Early June Garden

In June, the garden is a lush green with gentle pops of pastel color.  By now, all the spring bulbs have faded away, and the perennials have grown tall and full as they get ready for their great show.  We have gotten so much rain here in North West Wisconsin, that all the plants are very happily thriving, but then again, so are the weeds.  And me being away from home for over a week didn't help anything.  I think they might win the war again this year.  Every year I say to myself "I will not let the weeds overtake my yard, I will stay on top of them so that they will not win!".  Yet, inevitably, something happens to my best laid plans, whether it be the weather or the busyness of life, that keeps me away from my garden and the little buggers take it over.  In any case, I try not to get too upset about it and enjoy it for the wild, country garden that is.

Now, onto the blooms.  First up, Pansies.  I have a wall planter right next to my front door that I normally fill with Impatiens.  It gets almost no sun at all, so even the Impatiens don't grow well there.  This year, I decided to try Pansies, and for some odd reason, they are doing very well.  That surprised me since Pansies are known to like the sun.  I actually planted them way back in early May, right around Easter, and they first now are doing very well.  Here is a close up of these pretties.  I will show you the full containers in a later garden post, perhaps mid summer, when all my containers are filled in more and at their peak growth.
 I showed you my wild columbine and pretty ground cover in my last post, but these lovelies are still blooming strong, and look prettier than before.  So I had to take another picture.  I was just talking to my neighbor yesterday about how much this plant reseeds.   All these flowers came from just one plant.  However, I don't consider a nuisance, or invasive, and the seedlings are very easy to pull if they grow where you don't want them too (like my gravel paths).
 The iris are is full bloom right now.  I have yellow, blue, and purple iris in my garden.  I also have rust, but I haven't seen it bloom yet.  My iris are is desperate need of being dug up and divided.  If you don't do that every three years, you will get less and less blooms.  Perhaps that is what happened to my rust Iris.
 As you can tell by this landscape shot of my yard, the garden's primary color right now is GREEN.  It's still pretty though.  Better than white in winter, or worse, the color brown in late fall/early spring.
 I was beginning to think I wouldn't have any Lilac blooms this year.  I kept noticing all my neighbors with big, beautiful blooms on their lilacs, and mine had none.  I was so disappointed. Then, all of a sudden, mine started to bloom.  I didn't have a lot of blooms, but I was still happy because it was better than none at all.  My sweet husband surprised me and picked a bouquet and brought them in the house for me.  I was so happy to have the wonderful scent perfume my entire house.
 Wild Geranium is blooming.  I have Periwinkle Blue, Pink, and white.  The blue is my favorite.
 Here is my deep purple iris.

 White Wild Geranium.
 Pink Wild Geranium with a yellow bush and a purple iris in the background.
 Dames Rocket is blooming like crazy in the wild and in my garden.  This is a weed I do love.  I let it grow wherever it darn well wants too.  It's way too pretty to pull!

 This is the perennial form of Bachelors Buttons, which also reseeds each year.  The bumble bees love this flower!
 A large grouping of a lighter colored purple iris in front of my garden shed.
 My peonies are being overtaken by weeds, so their blooms have been getting less and less as the years go on.  However, I still have a few blooms to admire, like this pretty white peony:
 A deep burgundy peony.
 And a pretty pink peony.
 A sweet pink daisy.
 The view of my yard looking up, in front of the shed.
 Wild Iris.
 Blue iris.  This one is more rare, I only have a few.
I hope I brought you some joy today through these pretty pictures.

Have a great day!  Amy

Linking Up With Something to Talk About and Motivational Monday.


  1. So beautiful colors, flowers ! Superb shots !

  2. What a stunning garden Amy, you really have a green thumb! And your photos are gorgeous :)
    Thank you so much for sharing at Something to Talk About!


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