Sunday, May 17, 2015

More Spring Beauty

Sorry, but this week's garden post is a little photo heavy because I didn't do a garden post last week due to Mother's Day.  Just looking at these pictures, which are several weeks old by now,  I'm amazed at how much my garden has changed since these photos were taken.  We have gotten so much rain lately that it's starting to look like the Amazon forest in my yard.  Everything is so lush and green, (but also very weedy), and growing by leaps and bounds.

I'll begin by showing more spring bulbs.  These are grape hyacinths.  

 In my last garden post, I showed a lot of white and yellow in my garden.  Now the colors are predominantly pastels in pink, blue, and white.  Here are some pretty pink tulips.
 A bold yellow tulip.  I love the black stamens against the strong pop of yellow.

 A bed of creeping phlox growing happily on a sunny hillside.

 Looking up at my house on top of the hill.
 Hot pink tulips.

 Coral tulips with a view of my potting shed in the distance.
 The western view of my garden as seen from the front entry porch.  I have a small pond right in front of my door, and my kitchen window also has this view.  I put the bird feeders here so I can watch the birds while I do my dishes.
 A white flowering crab apple tree.

 A pretty  ground cover with wild columbine not yet in bloom in the background.
 White tulips.
 A close up of the ground cover.
 Pink Bleeding Heart.  These re-seed like crazy for me, popping up in places I really don't want them.  I have so many I need to dig up and re-locate.
 A close up of my pink flowering crab apple tree.
 A close up of my white flowering crab apple tree.
 A Viburnum Bush in bloom.
 Leopards Bane.  One of the first perennials to bloom in the spring.
 Cushion Spurge:  another early blooming perennial.  But this one also re-seeds like crazy and can be a nuisance.
 The yellow plant is a very invasive ground cover that grows on a steep hill in a shady, root area.  Once it takes off….watch out!  It could be a nuisance, but it's perfect for the spot I'm growing it on because nothing else will grow in dry shade but this plant.  I think I only planted about 3 plants and it covered the hillside in no time.

The purple plant in front of it is Cat Mint.

Last year, all our local grocery stores ran out of grape jelly to feed the Orioles when they arrived in the spring.  I couldn't find grape jelly anywhere!  But this year, Aldi was well prepared and ordered a lot of extra grape jelly for bird lover's like me!  I came home with two cases after seeing this display:

 And here is one of my little buddies:  I absolutely love Orioles!  They are my favorite bird.  Their song and appearance are both so beautiful.  I also find them very friendly compared to a lot of other birds.  They love to follow me around the yard and hang out in tree branches above me and sing.  Oh, how I love to hear them sing.

I had to sit and wait patiently for twenty minutes before I got this shot.  I just used my IPhone, so I had to sit in a chair only a few feet from the feeder.  But eventually my patience paid off, and this handsome gent landed just long enough for me to take his picture.
Have a great day!  Amy


  1. So lovely spring's images ! Love this season !!

  2. So many beautiful flowers! And what an amazing view you get from your kitchen window! That would definitely be my favorite room in the house 😀.

  3. Wow, you have such a beautiful garden Amy - I could spend hours just sitting there gazing at the view. I imagine it is quite a challenge being on a hill!

    I love bulbs and have white & purple grape hyacinths (the white ones look amazing & seem to glow!), daffodils, jonquils, ranunculus, anemones & bluebells - and at the moment because it is Autumn where I live, I have Nerines in bloom.

    Jocelyn x


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