Monday, January 6, 2014

Pensacola Beach

Hello!  I'm back in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin and I'm so depressed about our weather here,  I'd thought I'd comfort myself, and you, by posting some beautiful photographs of Pensacola Beach, Florida where I spent four wonderful days last week.  I will go into greater detail about everything we did each day that we were there on later posts, but for today's post, it's just all about the beauty of this magical place.  So if your sitting somewhere cold buried in snow, just close your eyes and imagine yourself on a warm sunny beach basking in the glorious sun.

This first photograph shows the public portion of the beach, which is taken from Gulf Pier.
 This is the pier off the boardwalk.
 The back view of the boardwalk taken from the pier.  Left side.
 Right side of the back of the boardwalk.
 I loved this vintage sign that greeted you as you enter the area.
 Gorgeous sunset viewed from our hotel's private beach.

 Their water tower is a beach ball.  How cute!
 Lots of seashells to collect here:
 The bird watching at Pensacola was an amazing experience.  I love birds, and to see so many different sea birds was so fun and entertaining.
 This was the first sunrise we woke up to.  Gorgeous!

I hope I helped warm you up a bit today.  Try to have a good day, despite the weather!  Amy


  1. Oh wow ! Wonderful shots !! The sunset is fantastic !

  2. Fabulous photos Amy. Can't wait to read more about your trip. I have never been to Florida and it's always nice to read about places I might want to visit some day!

  3. Needed some beach inspo today! That pic of the birds is stunning. Stay warm!
    The Marcy Stop

  4. Beautiful pics!! I went to college in Pensacola, so I have fond memories of my trips to the beach!! (Not so fond memories of the terrible sunburn I always got!!)

  5. Beautiful pictures of an almost magical looking place (from my snow covered landscape and freezing temperatures home).


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