Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day Five in Italy!

In my real life, I live in a tiny little town called Modena. The legend is that when the early settlers (who were from Italy) saw the beautiful landscape of the area, they decided to name it 'Modena' because it reminded them so much of their homeland. So when we went to Italy, the one place my friend Pam had to see was Modena. But let me tell you, the city of Modena looks nothing like where I live. I will agree though that the hills of Buffalo County (where I live), really do look a lot like Italy, minus the tall arborvitaes and Terra cotta roofed villas of course. So on Day Five in Italy, we took a long drive to the city of Modena. The outskirts of this city looked modern, new, and grungy, like any typical American City. But the historic city centre, looked beautiful and that's where I took all my pictures.

Pam and I wanted to try Italian Ice Cream. I'm a big fan of Ice Cream, my favorite American Ice Cream is Hogen Daaz (which really isn't American...ha, ha, ha) Swiss Chocolate Almond, so I decided to try the Italian Cocoa Ice Cream. Mmmmm, it was too die for! The chocolate was just so rich! Here I am enjoying my ice cream cone in a 'bar'. Isn't that hilarious! No one serves ice cream in American Bars! One of the main modes of transportation in Italy is by Bicycle, and this is the typical bike you see everyone riding. They are not the fancy, brand-spanking new bikes we have in the States. Most of them are very old and beat up. Bicycle theft is a huge problem in Italy, so most people just ride on junkers, that way if someone steals it, its no big deal.

I've always loved the Xmas song 'Chestnuts roasting on an open fire' but have never tried roasted chestnuts before. Apparently it is a popular snack in Europe. So Pam bought some and gave me one. It was mooshy inside, warm, but really didn't have much flavor. It was good, and probably nutritious, but I think I prefer our sugary coated roasted almonds in the States much better.

In the town of Modena they had a huge food market where you could sample and buy the various types of Italian foods.

I was amazed at how they protected their cheese in Italy. They don't use wax like we do in America, rather they used a variety of natural products like herbs, large leaves, seeds, and even STRAW!!!!

This is Focaccia Bread. Francesco actually bought some for us to eat for dinner last night. It was SO GOOD. He bought several different flavors: Rosemary, Onion, Olive, and one plain. They were all delicious, but my favorite was the onion one.

Here are some examples of all the different types of Olives and Nuts Italy has to offer.

After our visit to the food market, we just strolled through the city streets. I was amazed at all the Italian couples holding hands. I see now why they call Italy the Country of Love. Everywhere I looked there were couples walking arm in arm or smooching...young and old alike. It was so sweet seeing people in their 80's or 90's walking with linked arms. The women also walk arm in arm in Italy too. The people in Italy seem to just genuinely care for one another. You just don't see that in America

Here is a view of one of Modena's City Streets. Notice the bicyclists?

Here is a close up of some interesting architectural art work.

Another gorgeous view of a narrow city street.

This beautiful fall city street actually reminded me of some fall streets you'd see in America like in Boston or New York.

This is Modena's Piazza.

What a beautiful piece of architecture this building is. Don't you just love the color?

And finally, another beautiful narrow street. I just love the colors of the buildings in Italy.

And that is all of my pictures of Modena. I fell asleep during the long car ride home and enjoyed a much needed rest after all the walking we did. When we got home, we enjoyed a delicious Italian meal of salad sprinkled with Olive Oil , and Balsamic Vinegar. We also had bread, olives, and herring. It was the first time I tried Herring, and probably my last. It was o.k., but not something I would eat again. LOL!
Have a great day! Amy


  1. Hi Amy! I have been SO busy - haven't had time to comment much, but I have been reading EVERY little thing you have posted! Your trip looks amazing - thank you for sharing!!!

  2. W-O-W!!!!!!! you won't want to go home but what wonderful memories you will have :0)

  3. Wowwww! Looks like you had SUCH an incredible trip..lots of fun memories!

  4. Love your pics of Italy! I would love to go!

  5. Sorry Amy ... I'm behind on my tour but I sure am enjoying this! Your photography is amazing ... you really have a good eye for what to capture with your camera!

    LOVE your header ... looks so serene!

  6. This is so cool Amy.. I love all the pictures.. I find it interesting how they have such different food than we do.. I am so glad you are doing this here so that you have it for the future.. We went to Europe 10 years ago and I remember nothing..Super job.

  7. How cool that you were able to visit the namesake of your hometown. Those food markets look SO good. I would have a hard time shopping there because I would want to try everything and probably end up spending a fortune.


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