Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Bible Journaling: My March Pages, 1 Corinthians 9 through 2 Corinthians

Once a month I like to share my Bible Journaling Pages and what God has been teaching me.  In the month of March I finished the books of 1 Corinthians and 2 Corinthians.    Sometimes I just color in the preprinted images of the "Inspire Bible" (available on Amazon) and I also create my own pages.
Unless otherwise stated, all the images are colored in with either gel pens or colored pencils.  I tend to color larger areas with pencils then get the more intricate spots with pens.  I high light my Bible with gel highlighters, and I usually use gelatos or  craft paint for my backgrounds.

As any Wisconsinite knows,  March is a long, cold month so I had plenty of time of time to Bible Journal. I was able to finish two books in the month of March.

My first page is one I created myself.  This is one of my husband's and mine favorite Bible verses.   We believe the Christian life is a disciplined life where we should work continually to draw closer to God through Bible reading and prayer and make every effort to be obedient to Him.

I made this page by first coloring in a background with gel crayons.  The sentiment is stickers, and the runner was printed off the Internet onto sticker paper.

In Christ, we have freedom but we always have to be careful we are not causing another person to stumble.  The verse below is in reference to Jews being offended by Gentile's eating habits.  When the gospel was opened to the Gentiles many Jews struggled with them not obeying the Jewish laws.  The apostle Paul told the early church that they don't have to obey the Jewish customs anymore, for Christ set them free from all that, but if it offends someone they should obey them when they are with them.  In today's modern Christian world we don't have dietary issues that could cause another believer to stumble, but we do have other issues like drinking, seeing certain movies, etc.  What could be a stumbling block for one Christian isn't for another, but we need to be sensitive to other Christians if it is.

Taking communion regularly is what Christians do to remember Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Ah, the famous Love verse.  Every time I get angry at someone or something,  I recite this verse in my head.  It helps the anger to dissipate.

This page is just the first part of the entire verse above.

This is a beautiful verse.  Although one can look at this verse as the new life we have when we first accept Christ into our hearts, it is actually referring to the resurrection of the dead in Christ.

This is one of my favorite verses so I had to create a page for it.  For most believers, death is not to be feared for we know we will be in heaven with Jesus.  But this verse also refers to sin and how it causes death, but Christians are victorious over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The interesting thing about this verse is that the sentences before it says "Be on guard.  Stand firm in the faith.  Be courageous.  Be strong.",  but then it says  "AND, do everything with Love".  The preceding verses sound like we are to be warriors (and we are) but never with hate or anger, but only with love.

This is the title page to the book of 2 Corinthians.  I colored this page with pencils.  I love this verse, but I also noticed there is a second part to this verse:  "He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others.  When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."  We learn how to comfort others by how God comforts us.


Isn't it wonderful to know that our lives are a pleasing aroma to God and a "life-giving perfume" to "those who are being saved"?  But to those who are perishing, the Bible says "we are a dreadful small of death and doom".   Our aroma is perceived differently depending on the person's eternal status.

This verse was made into a worship song.  I absolutely love singing it in church!

To have never seen the Lord, yet still believe is faith.  To "live by believing" means to make faith part of our daily lives.   How we live our lives is determined by what we believe.  Because we believe in an eternal life, we conduct ourselves in such a manner knowing we will "all stand before Christ to be judged" (v. 10).

When someone has a true conversion experience, they change, and people can see the change.  It doesn't mean they are all of a sudden perfect, for their sin nature is always still there, but now they desire to lead a more holy life and develop a personal relationship with God.

I think God knows how hard it is to give, that why He "LOVES" a person who gives cheerfully.  I think a person who loves to give is rare.  My father was someone who had very little.  He had no desire for the material things of this world.  He lived very simply.  Most people today would consider him poor.  Yet, if anyone needed anything, he would give it to them.  I've seen him sit in the same ragged chair year after year,  yet buy brand new furniture for a friend.  He was also the most generous tipper I've ever known.  He led a life of giving cheerfully, never once thinking of himself.

My final page is a powerful verse.  When we are weak, then we are strong, for that is when God works through us!

Have a Great Day! Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!



  1. God bless you Amy. Your quiet witness is so good to see.

  2. Always enjoy seeing your artwork journaling ♥ Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 75. Pinned.

  3. These are absolutely beautiful pages! I have tried to be artistic with my journaling Bible, but it pales in comparison to your delightful pages! I am sure you had plenty of time to meditate on the scripture while working on each of those pages... what a beautiful way to dwell in the Word!

    Elena W

    1. Thank you. I'm not artistic at all, that's why I use a Bible with images that can be colored in. When I do create my own pages, they are no where near what I see other Bible Journaling artists create. I initially tried to be artistic with my pages, by attempting the fancy caligraphy, and I got frustrated. Finally I realized, my own handwriting is more meaningful than beautiful calligraphy and it's not about the art, but what I am gleaning from the scripture. So now, I just do my own thing. Everyone who is interested in Bible Journaling has to find their own way, and not be intimidated by the artistic pages other Bible Journalists create.

  4. I always appreciate your inspiring journal art and insights.

  5. Your journaling is beautiful. My journaling is barely legible & definitely NOT beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much. I think the important thing is to just Bible Journal, and not worry so much about how pretty it is. I've had to accept myself that I will never create the amazing, artistic pages other Bible Journalists create, and that's OK as long as I enjoy it and I am growing closer to the Lord because of it.

  6. Your work adds.so much beauty to the truth!

  7. Amy, I love all our beautifully colored journal pages. I especially liked this quote, "To "live by believing" means to make faith part of our daily lives. How we live our lives is determined by what we believe." So true! Many blessings to you!

  8. Visiting again to say thanks so much for sharing at the Exploring World Religions Linkup 19 so that we can better understand each other through our religion, faith, or beliefs. Pinned.


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