Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Fun At Wonder Tree Farm

This week's travel post is part of a travel series of our visit to see our grandchildren in Carmel, Indiana.  If you want to start at the beginning, go HERE. Other posts in chronological order are HERE,  HEREHEREHERE,  HERE,  HERE, and HERE!

Visiting farms is a fun educational way to teach children where their food comes from.  While visiting our kids in Carmel, Indiana last fall, one of the things we did was take the grandchildren to a local farm.  It's pretty funny since my husband and I already live in a farming community and the children could visit a farm anytime when they are visiting us...but we did it anyway!

The farm we visited was Wonder Tree Farm in Zionsville, Indiana.  It is a working farm that is open to the public on Farm Days, and they have an on-farm market where you can purchase some of their products and visit with some of their animals.  

Their market offers locally raised pastured meats, farm fresh eggs, raw dairy, and local honey.

Right when you walk through the barn doors, there are many animals ready to greet you.  They were all pretty friendly too, with the exception of one grumpy old billy goat who can you meet in the video at the end of this post. 😀

Of course, my favorite animals of them all were all the kittens!  My oh my, the barn was filled with the most beautiful, adorable kittens!  I wanted to take them all home with me.

Alethea and Atticus both love kitties too.  Just look at the smile on her face!  

Horses and goats were ready to greet us as we entered the barn.  They did not mind being petted at all and seemed to really like the attention.

Is this not the most adorable photo ever?  It's as if the farmer put the kitty here on purpose just for a great advertisement, but he assured me he did not.  The kitty really picked this spot for a nap.

Did you know chickens love watermelon?  I sure didn't.  The farmer got everyone's attention and told us to watch as he threw a watermelon on the ground.  All the chickens came running over and they ate that watermelon as fast as you could blink your eye!

A modest chicken coup can be seen in the distance.  Looks like the donkeys are enjoying the tall grass too.

Some cute ducks.  I've sure been enjoying seeing the ducks come back this spring, have you?

And this baby goat was my absolute favorite.  He was so cute.  He kept trying so hard to get some food, but the bigger goats, especially the big old mean billy goat, would push him out of the way.  Eventually my husband and I figured out a strategy but you will have to watch the video to find out what that was.

You can buy a cup of feed to feed the animals.  They seemed to really appreciate it.

Before we headed home, I had to stop and check out the kitties one more time.  I was amazed the kittens left the chickens alone.  My Jackson would have had one for lunch. 😂

They sure all loved curling up in the hay to nap!

Finally, I have to sneak a picture in here of Atticus with his grandpa.  He wasn't walking yet and was in the stroller the whole time so he didn't get as many pictures taken as Alethea did.

And now the long-awaited video.  This baby goat is so cute, you don't want to miss it!

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Visiting farms is always so much fun, especially with little ones! This one looks like the perfect one to visit! Our favorite apple orchard always has several kittens roaming around too and it's always a highlight to visit with them!
    I can't believe the cat is just sitting in there among the chickens, I have no idea what mine would do, either hunt them for a meal or run away from them scared LOL. But you can tell this cat is totally used to them and has no intention of hunting them or being scared away. Love it!

    1. It is fun, even if you live in dairyland. Yes, the kittens mixing with the chickens was interesting. My cat would attack anything that moved.

  2. Oh my goodness, those kittens are just adorable!!

  3. How did you not bring home any kittens. Talk about the most adorable things ever.
    Even if there are farms around you, I bet they are all different. I loved seeing all the animals like this Amy!!

    1. I have no idea. I cave whenever I see a kitten, or a puppy for that matter.

  4. What a wonderful place to visit.

  5. What fun!! I am enamored with goats lately since I discovered our once domesticated goat that lives in the mountains near our home. He was dumped there but seems to have thrived.
    Do your grandbabies have pets? My Lucia is absolutely dying for a kitty. They had one when she was born and she loved Doughnut so much. But he died after a long full life when Lucia was about 2. She still talks about him every single day.

    1. That's interesting because we came across a goat in the woods while hiking one day. No, the grand babies don't have pets yet. I don't the family is ready for pets of their own yet, maybe when they are a little older.

  6. It sure was! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Thank you for sharing. Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks for visiting! I hope you had a great Easter!

  8. Looks like a fun day! All of those kittens are so cute! I would have wanted to take them home with me! I had no idea that chickens love watermelon!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. It was fun, and I did want to take all those kittens home with me. And I too had no idea chickens ate watermelon. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. How fun to be there with the little ones!

    Thank you for being a part of 'My Corner of the World' this week!

  10. Looks like such a fun day out! :) My boys love animals too so before the pandemic we used to take any opportunity to visit animals they could pat :) There's a farm nearby I just heard about that I really want to take them too but it's almost always booked out - got to get in quick, haha! Hopefully once our current restrictions get lifted it will get easier, we are back down to only 100 people in a public space as some of the medical staff caught covid unfortunately dealing with the patients in quarantine.

    Hope that you are having a nice week so far.

    Away From The Blue

    1. I'm so sorry you are under restrictions again. In the United States, it all depends where you live. Country people and red states don't put up with restrictions and live as they please, blue states and cities are very restrictive.

  11. Kittens! Sigh. What a fun day. That farm is so perfect. The tractor looks clean enough to eat from. So many cuddles.

    1. Aren't kittens the best? Yes, it was a lovely farm. Thanks for visiting.

  12. Nothing better to put a big ole smile on our faces than to spend time with our grandbabies! Looks like you all had a wonderful and fun time. Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Monthly Link Party 23!


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