Sunday, May 7, 2017

My Early Spring Garden

It is May and SPRING has officially begun in the state of Wisconsin.  Yea!  Spring is my absolutely favorite time of the year.  I love the weather and how everything springs to life after a long cold winter.  I anxiously await for all my favorite spring birds to return...especially the Orioles!  They always arrive EXACTLY like clock work on the same day every year!  How do they do that?  But what I really enjoy most of all about spring is seeing everything turn green again and all the flowers burst from the ground.

Here's what has been blooming in my garden the past few weeks.  Enjoy!

Daffodils and Bleeding Hearts.

Tulips, Hyacinths, and Flowering Trees.

It always amazes me how in spring I see so much bare ground and I think "I need to go buy some stuff and plant it to fill those spaces", but I really don't because by midsummer it fills in I can't even see the bare ground anymore.

The blue hyacinths did very well this year.  I divided them and replanted a lot of bulbs last year and it paid off.

My perennial tulips seemed fuller and healthier than ever too!

This is a hillside that is mainly covered with phlox and vines.

I have lots of white bleeding hearts on my property as well as the standard pink version.

Love these little minnow peach centered daffodils.  They didn't flower as profusely this year, which means they need to be dug up and divided too.

The lawn is always so green in the spring.

I get to look at these pretty trumpet daffodils through my kitchen window.

How has your spring garden been doing this year?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Well, my spring garden looked nothing like yours, as you evidently know what to plant and where. What an abundance of pretty flowers and colours you have. Mine were sparse. Amazing about the Orioles.

    1. Oh, thank you. It actually went to weed when I worked full time and I have been slowly restoring it.

  2. Beautiful flowers, it's not hard to see why spring is your favorite season! It is mine too, but I really hate strong storms we're getting in spring, so fall is right behind spring for me.
    I divided my tulips and daffodils last year but I might have done something wrong because I had even fewer of them blooming than I did the previous years. Hubby and I did plant 4 trees this year - a stanley plum(I love plum pie!!), a white pine, a pink dogwood and a magnolia tree. That's what he got for refusing to take me to the botanical garden in Chicago :-)

    1. Thanks Elli. I wouldn't worry about your tulips and daffodils. Sometimes they take another year to bloom after division. Your trees so gorgeous...we can't even grow those type of trees in my zone. I've been to the Chicago botanical gardens numerous times, but hope to go there again on Memorial Day.


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