Monday, March 27, 2017

How I Dress For Spring When The Weather Is Not Spring-Like

I've been reading on a few blogs lately about how to "transition" your winter wardrobe to a spring one.  I don't quite understand this because to me spring, like fall, are transitional seasons.  You don't "transition" into spring, it gradually transitions into least in Wisconsin!  I always say we only have two seasons:  winter and summer.  Those few months in between winter and summer are usually winter temperatures mixed with a nice day once in a while if we're lucky.

Our average daily temperatures the past few weeks have been 38 to 48 degrees.  But in February we were blessed with a rare respite of 60 to 70 degree daily temperatures.  That lasted for about a week, and then we were hit with three snowstorms.  We can still experience snowstorms mid to late April.  So how does someone who lives in such a fluctuating climate dress for spring?  If you read THIS POST, you would know that I decided no matter how cold it got, I was done with winter clothes and would only wear spring clothes until summer time arrives.  On the day I wore this outfit (March 23, three days past the first official day of spring) it was only 38 degrees and this is what I wore.

 On this day I met my hubby for lunch and spent the rest of the day shopping.  I was only outside for short periods....basically a walk from the car to the store.  I was only a bit chilled for the few minutes it took to get inside.  Now, if I had to be outside for an extended period of time, I probably would have had a winter coat on.  But for what I had to accomplish this day, a scarf and light jacket was enough.

All the colors are light and spring-like, yet I'm dressed in long sleeves and layers for warmth.  I have a white tank top on under my floral blouse, but what really helped me to stay warm all day was the scarf.  It's just a light weight sheer scarf but I couldn't believe all the extra protection it provided against the strong cool spring winds.

My denim jacket is new this season.  I just picked it up at JCP.  I already own two denim jackets, but I was never happy with one of them because it felt uncomfortable in the back/shoulder area and the sleeves were too short.  So I decided to invest in a new one, and I'm glad I did because now I think I will actually wear it more often since it is so comfortable.  I also sized up to a size Large so I could layer underneath comfortably.

My floral top is several years old and is from The Gap.  If you'd like to see it in more detail, you can see it on this post HERE.  I styled it very similarly as I did today except with my old denim jacket, striped pants, pink scarf, and white sandals.

My pink bag is super old.  I bought it at least 12 years ago.  It's been sitting in my closet for a long time unused.  Several times I thought of donating it, now I'm glad I didn't since blush and pink are super "in" right now.

 I chose a striped scarf on this day to play down the florals in the blouse and also to have a little fun with print mixing.

In my last fashion post I mentioned that I bought a lot of new pants this season.  I wanted all my pants to be stretch denim and at least mid-rise (preferably high rise).   This is another new pair that I picked up at TJMaxx.  I thought the light blue color would be perfect for spring.

My white cut-out booties are a couple of years old.   I bought them from Francesca's.  Always check out their shoes any time you're in one of their stores, because they have some unique pieces.   Every single time I wear these booties I get compliments.  They are quite the attention-getter!

For jewelry I just wore simply white studs earrings and my usual rings.

I don't know what it was about this outfit but the day I wore it I got so much attention and lots of compliments.  Maybe everyone is just aching for warmer weather and appreciated seeing some spring colors.

Have a Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!


  1. A great spring look, the pants are perfect for the season! I agree with you about the seasons, it really feels like spring only lasts a few days and then it's summer weather. I always enjoy the few days when I can wear some sort of spring jacket.
    Glad you kept the purse, such a pretty color!

    1. Thanks Elli! I was so happy to have found these pants. Unfortunately they were out of my usual size so I bought one size bigger. Hopefully they'll shrink a tad then they'll be perfect. I agree with you about spring jackets. I have so many of them because I love them so, but we really don't get much use out of them in our climate. As for the purse, they are always worth hanging onto. Clothes, I get rid of more easily, but purses and shoes I tend to hang onto awhile.

  2. Denim jackets are the best!!! I have been wearing mine a ton lately. I love the blue pants and that scarf! Thank you for sharing with us at On Mondays We Link-Up!

    Trendy & Tidy

    1. Thanks Sarah, I love wearing mine now that I found one that fits more comfortably.

  3. My favorite part is the pink bag. So glad you pulled it out and have hung onto it all this time. Love how it adds such spring to your layered outfit. I am not terribly comfortable in my denim jacket. I wouldn't normally give myself permission to get another one, but I love the fit of yours. Yay, JCP.

    1. Thanks Leslie! I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who felt uncomfortable in denim jackets. I never liked the stiff fabric, especially when driving. Have you tried sizing up in jackets? I found that works for me. I think most women's jackets are made smaller in the back and chest and that's what makes them uncomfortable to me.

  4. I love denim jackets for Spring! Such a great look for shopping. I love the scarf too and hope you get some more sunshine there!

    1. Thanks Ruth! We could use some sunshine (and warmth) here in Wisconsin.

  5. Those boots are too cute! I am such a Francesca's fan. I'm also loving your denim jacket, it's so fresh and spring like!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

    1. Thank you! Yes, Francesca's is a great place to find unique pieces!

  6. Love the Spring-y colors! I never felt comfortable in denim jackets either. Last Spring I invested in 3 (you read that right - 3!) Regular denim blue, light blue and white and all of them are made of stretch denim! So comfortable!

    1. Thank you! Glad to know I'm not the only one. The stiff fabric, especially in the shoulders/back area makes movement so difficult. I didn't know I could find a denim jacket made with stretch denim. That would be awesome! Where did you find those?

  7. I love the soft feminine colors in this outfit! It screams spring without showing too much skin due to colder weather. I wish we had more of a spring. That is one thing I don't like about Wisconsin. I want my inbetween seasons of spring and fall!

    1. Thanks Laura! For us Wisconsinites it's the only way we can dress for spring, otherwise we'd be wearing winter clothes until May!

  8. Perfect colours for spring, love this bag, I need some brighter bags in my bag collection. Jacqui

  9. Looking great, and so spring like in a warm sort of way. I've had one Gap denim jacket for about 20 years now but for the last few years I've moved to wearing a denim shirt as a jacket. This year they seem to be in the shops as shackets, so weirdly I was ahead of the trend! Our temp will be 16c + tomorrow which is exciting as we have a friend coming down to visit and that sort of thing is always nicer on a nice day eh?

    1. Thank you! I had a denim jacket as a teenager, I wish I would have kept it!

  10. That is a great spring look for when it's still cold. I'm always surprised by what a difference a scarf can make in keeping you warm. The scarf is so pretty, and I'm glad you never gave away that purse. It's perfect with the outfit, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it in spring and summer.

    1. Thanks Andrea! I so agree with you about scarves providing warmth. Yesterday I wore a neckerchief and even that seemed to help a lot!

  11. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Great casual look!

  12. Love the layering! Your scarf and bag are the perfect way to add some spring color while we're waiting for the weather to warm up!

    Doused In Pink

    1. Thanks Jill! Spring seems to be taking it's sweet time getting here this year!

  13. You look fabulous! This is so cozy yet springy!



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