Monday, October 28, 2013

Chicago in the Fall

Hello!  I know I'm still not even done posting all the pictures and stories of our August Vacation to New Hampshire, but I wanted to share these beautiful Fall photographs of a little mini trip I took to Chicago a few weeks ago to visit my daughter before the Fall Season is over and Winter is upon us.

My daughter and I spent the day on Michigan Avenue in Chicago, Illinois to do some shopping.  I was just awestruck by the beautiful Fall Flower beds on that street.  Just look at all the gorgeous color!

 Even the medians were planted with lovely, lush ornamental grasses and ground covers.
 We saw a lot of amazing stores on Michigan Avenue but this was one of my favorites.  The entire front of the store has antique sewing machines across too large window walls and up as far as the eye can see if you tilt to head back far enough.  The inside of the store had a very rustic/vintage decor to it with hardwood floors, industrial, exposed pipes, and more vintage sewing machines and old factory equipment.  The clothes in this store are to die for!  They are very creative, original, and so well-made.
 We saw this lady in a display window at another store and found her quite creepy. At first glance,  she looks like a real person in real life; she even talks!  But when we entered the store to check her out, it was just an image projected.  So interesting.  Maybe these will eventually replace sales people so customers can scream at them instead of hurting real people for a change?  JK!
 Loved this sign!  It definitely IS the MAGNIFICENT MILE!
 Beautiful Sky Scrapers!
 I loved the topiary in this Garden Bed.

 The famous Old Chicago Water Tower.
 A beautiful old church covered in Ivy.  I always love it when there is a mix of the old with the new in big cities.
 We had a long, leisurely lunch at the Cheesecake Factory.  Here is my daughter with her gluten free cheesecake.
 And here I am with my Chocolate Cheesecake.  No dieting today!

Have a great day! Amy

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photos Amy!! Gorgeous gardens!! Your daughter looks a lot like you. You look beautiful!!


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