Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bethlehem, New Hampshire

Hello!  For the past couple of months, I've been posting once a week about our New Hampshire vacation, which up until now have been entirely about the White Mountain Forest and waterfalls.  Today's post is also about our vacation, but these pictures are of a couple of churches we saw in Bethlehem, New Hampshire as we drove to the White Mountains everyday.  When we were driving back to our hotel after our last day in the White Mountain Forest, I finally made my husband pull over so I could take these pictures of these two beautiful, stone churches.  The sun was just starting to set, so it wasn't the best time of day to take pictures, but it was either these shots, or nothing, because we couldn't come back to take pictures later.  

I'm a sucker for older buildings.  Even though there is a lot of modern architecture I love and could easily see myself living in, I still believe they just don't build things like they use to.  I just love all the beautiful detail and original craftsmanship you see in older buildings, that you rarely see today.  Here is a front shot of the first church we saw.  It had gorgeous stone work, stained glass arched windows, and old, worn wooden doors.

 I was so surprised to see such a recent date on the stone.  It seemed so much older to me, like some ancient building  I would see in Europe.

 You gotta LOVE this door!  PERFECTION!  I love the large hinges and how the carved stone echoing the shape of the doors.
 These beautiful lanterns graced both sides of the doorway.
 The church was closed when I took these pictures.  I would have loved to have gotten inside and taken a look at these gorgeous stained glass windows.
 This is the second stone church I saw in Bethlehem that I really liked.  These stones were more rounded and rustic than the first one pictured above.
 What an exquisite front entrance!
 And another amazing doorway.  Love those large rounded boulders.
Have a great day! Amy

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