Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Foxgloves are in Bloom!

Well even though I did get some cards made yesterday, I really can't show them to you yet, so: More Garden Pics! I also worked on my purses yesterday, and was completely finished with my last one and was so proud and happy with myself, only to discover that I had sewn the handle wrong. Oh My Goodness, did my heart sink! How could I have made such a stupid mistake and not even notice it until I was done with the entire purse! So I had to rip the entire purse apart and start over. UGH! Hopefully I'll be able to fix my mistake today and show you the purses tomorrow. They really are quite cute.

Today's featured plant is the Foxglove. Foxgloves are Biennials: they only bloom every other year. The first year you only get green growth. The second year they bloom into these beautiful tall spires. After they bloom, they die. If you want Foxgloves blooming every year, you have to have both first and second year plants. Its always a surprise to me how many Foxgloves I will have blooming in my garden that year. This year, I have a ton, and they are Gorgeous! They are such a easy plant to grow if they like where you put them. Mine love my Southeast garden. They get just the right amount of sun/shade that they like, and they appear to have naturalized there all by themselves....and I let them. Why not? They look beautiful! I never cut them down after they are blooming. They must go to seed if you want them to naturalize and start new plants. I check if they have went to seed by shaking their stems. If I hear a lot of rattling, I know they are reading and then I just shake the plant and out spill all the seeds. Sometimes I'll just cut the stem and carry it to another part of my garden and sprinkle the seeds where I hope new baby Foxgloves will grow. That's all you have to do: sprinkle. No digging little holes, or raking the soil....just sprinkle. Isn't that easy?

Here is both a far away shot of my garden showing all the Foxglove in bloom, and a close-up of the purple Foxglove.

Here is a close up of a white Foxglove. They do come in other colors: yellow, pink, etc., but for some reason, its only the purple and white that have naturalized in my garden.

I hope you have enjoyed learning all about the Foxglove plant today! God Bless! Amy


  1. Hi Amy
    Wow total sure have an amazing garden.
    Emma x

  2. YOu have the most beautiful garden and by the looks of it quite a large plot of land. Keep the beauty pics coming for us city girls who don't get to see the fields of beauty on a daily basis. Just gorgeous!

  3. You have done your century home proud Amy ! I noticed the potting shed in an earlier photo and thought it picture perfect! Your property offers a beautiful setting for weddings and photos. Just a little something to keep in mind if your hours don't improve. ;) Thanks so much for sharing your many talents!-Tracy-

  4. Oh Amy your foxgloves are amazing!! We always had these at home and I miss them. I don't really have the room for them here. Darn!! Thanks for sharing the story & photos ... I'm sure you've inspired someone to give them a try!!

  5. I didn't know that foxgloves were biennials. Interesting. And how cool that you are naturalizing areas with them.

    I did get your email about gardening but I have had a lot going on the past few days so I haven't had time to respond. Tomorrow I will write back.


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