I received my VERY FIRST Blogger Award from my online friend Darlene. Her blog is Dar's Crafty Creations and you can find it by clicking on the title under my blog roll in the sidebar. Darlene is a wonderful stamper and probably the only person I ever met that stamps more than I do! LOL! So when you have a chance, drop by her blog and say Hi!
I'll have to post my 5 nominees another day. I'm very busy making paper craft products for a local gift shop that wants to sell my 'creations' on consignment. I also have company coming for the Thanksgiving Holidays and I have so much preparation for that also. But I am looking so forward to having my home filled with people for the holidays, I don't mind the work. Most holidays we spend alone because our extended family is either scattered all over the United States or deceased. So this will be a very nice change indeed.
God's Blessings to you all, and thanks again Darlene for the wonderful honor! Amy
You are so welcome my friend ... and so deserving!!! Enjoy your holidays ... friends and family are what I am most thankful for and that certainly includes YOU!! {{hugs}}