On Saturday, November 15th, I will be having a Christmas Card Making Party at my house. We will be making 5 cards each of these 5 designs. The cost is $20.00, thats only 80 cents per card! You can't ask for a better deal than that. The class starts at 9:00 a.m. and lasts till ?????. As you can imagine, it takes a long time to make this many cards. Some people stayed till 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. and finished them all in class, and other people had to leave early and finished them on their own at home. The choice is yours. I will have plenty of delicous food and coffee to keep us energized, and hopefully my home will be decorated for Christmas by then so we'll be in the 'Christmas Spirit'.

If you'd like to attend, please let me know by November 10th so I can have all the materials cut and prepared for you. I have had some ladies ask if they could bring their teen daughters along to help make the cards since there are so many, and yes, of course you may bring your daughter (or son, I don't want to be sexist here. LOL!) along. Just let me know if you want 25 cards or 50 cards.

I hope to see you there! Amy
Sorry I can't attend but it sure looks like it's going to be a great time and what an awesome head start on those holiday cards!! They are all fantastic!! Good luck and have fun!! (Think of me ... I'll be there in spirit ... ok)