Wednesday, March 2, 2022

"Snow Shoe Trail" in the Black River Forest

In last week's Travel Post, I shared how my husband and I went winter hiking for Valentine's Day weekend.  We hiked the Skyline Golf Course in Black River Falls in the morning, and after lunch we headed to the Black River Forest in Millston to hike the "Snow Shoe Trail".

We first spent some time studying the map and trails as there were only a couple you could hike on and the rest were reserved for skiers only.  

By the afternoon, the sun was down and it got colder outside.  I was grateful to have a face mask in my car as my cheeks were getting cold.  I think it was the first time in two years I was willing and happy to wear a face mask. 😀

This was my favorite trail of the day.  The forest was so serene and beautiful in winter.  We spotted lots of deer tracks and even saw one (running away from us of course).  

I could definitely see the difference between a regular hiking trail and a "Snow Shoe Trail".  The landscape was very flat and the trail was easy to follow.  A couple of you commented in my last winter hiking post how difficult it is hiking in the winter because the trails are so slippery.  A trail specifically designed for snow shoeing takes that into consideration.  No rocky, steep slopes here!

One of the surprises of this trail was that there were remnants of an old homestead on the trail.  We had fun exploring!

This is the root cellar.  Oh, I would love one of these for all my winter squash and potatoes!

Just look at the size of this root cellar!

There was also an old well on the property.

This trail was super easy:  only a 1.6 mile loop on flat terrain.  But boy was it beautiful!  

When we first came along this row of pine trees, it literally took my breath away.

Have a Great Day!  Amy

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  1. It never snows here so I've never hiked in the snow before but this looks so fun and such a beautiful hike with the snow along the tree-lined path! :) It's nice you could see the historical points long the route too! :)

    Hope that your week is going well! The flood waters have gone down here so we are no longer flooded in which is awesome :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Oh that's great to hear about the flooding. I saw video on social media and it was something else.

  2. I like fresh snow and this cold, refreshinf air :) nice walk! :) Have a wonderful day!

    1. That's good to hear! Most people don't like winter. I say we get out and enjoy it! Thanks so much.

  3. The pine trees do look gorgeous, what a beautiful trail!

  4. Amy,
    WOW!! what beautiful scenery!!! Gorgeous!! Thanks so much for taking the tie to stop by!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  5. 80 acres for $4, WOW! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 72. Pinned.

    1. I know! My how times have changed. Thanks so much.

  6. old abandoned places have always been exciting to explore, and to imagine how life may have been. What a beautiful place to visit on your snowy Valentine weekend.

    1. Mine too! I love to imagine who lived there. It was a great Valentine's Day weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. What a beautiful trail! We don't have many designated snowshoe trails here so we just pick some of the flatter hiking trails to use; otherwise it can be quite tricky snowshoeing with rocks and climbing especially when you add in ice and snow.

    1. It sure is. Oh, I wonder why that is. But that's smart of you to pick flatter hiking trails.

  8. Wow, so very beautiful and cool. Very nice.

  9. I have said that same thing about a face mask before, haha.

  10. It must be great fun to be in the silent forest only hearing the sound of treading snow.

  11. Hello ♡
    You have a wonderful blog. Great post, it's very inspiring here and I love this style on blogs :)
    Amazing photos! Thank you for being able to go on this trip with you :)
    Regards nice and warm from Poland ♡

    1. Oh thank you! Poland? My ancestors are from Poland. We've been praying a lot for your region lately.

  12. What a cool hike! We have found that face masks can be practical if it is really cold: good idea to protect you from it.

    1. yes it is. And protecting your face from the cold is about the only thing those face masks are good for. :)

  13. This looks like a beautiful hike with lots of history to discover!

  14. Wow you really do do a lot of snow hiking. I don't think I have ever hiked in the snow.

    1. Actually no. We are fortunate if we go once a year. It's hard to get out in the winter.

  15. we are hoping to travel in a few weeks. fingers crossed! thanks for keeping me inspired and reminding me that there's a big world out there just waiting to be found and enjoyed.


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