Tuesday, December 1, 2020

October Bible Journaling Pages

This month's October Bible Journaling Pages will be a first:  nothing but pre-colored pages.  I do not know if it was a time issue or I wasn't inspired, but I did not create any of my own pages.  However, I still diligently read and studied God's Word every day.

The month of October took me through the book of Proverbs and into the book of Ecclesiastes.  I enjoyed reading the Proverbs every day and reflecting on its wisdom but with all the misery in the world today I wasn't in the mood for Ecclesiastes, yet, I plunged through the book anyway.

So I don't repeat myself, all images are either colored with pencils or gel pens.  I tend to use pencils in the larger areas (like the heart or box of the word "life" below and gel pens for the intricate areas.  When I highlight scripture in my Bible, I use colorful gel highlighters.  Some of the larger backgrounds were colored with gelatos.

Since I didn't create any of my own pages this month, I will just make a brief statement of what each verse means to me.

"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life."

This is always good advice to follow, but I think it's exceptionally true now.  We are living in perilous times and many people are being misled and deceived.  We must guard our hearts from the lies that are being spread.  We must guard our hearts from fear.  We have to protect our hearts by what we watch or listen to so that we can have the life God wants us to have.

"The words of the godly encourage many"

Use your words to encourage people,  especially today.  People really need encouragement right now, there is enough discouragement out there as it is, don't be someone who adds to it.  Go out of your way to be kind, be generous, and to be loving.

"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed"

Don't rely on your own strengths and skills, rather put your faith in God.  He will give you wisdom to help  you.

"The name of the Lord is a strong fortress;  the godly run to Him and are safe"

Oh, how I love verses like these, especially during the difficult season we are living in right now.  I see so many people living in fear right now.  We do not need to be afraid if God is the Lord of our Life!  These are verses I cling to, that I say out loud, every time even a little bit of worry starts to cross my mind.  When you are afraid, call on HIS NAME!  RUN to Him, and you will be safe.

"A house is built by wisdom"

If your home/family has Jesus as it's foundation, you will have wisdom to know how to conduct your marriage, raise your children, and you will have a happy home.

Not all images in the Inspired Bible are bible verses.  This page just says "Wisdom" which is what the book of Proverbs is all about. 

"The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense"

I love the phrase "heartfelt counsel".  There is a big difference between giving advice or telling a friend what you think they should do and "heartfelt counsel".  Someone who truly cares for you will always counsel you in love and out of genuine concern for you.

"A woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised".

As a Christian woman the most important thing my friends and family should know about me is not my beauty or my skills but whether or not I fear the Lord.

This is the cover page for the Book of Ecclesiastes.  The verse "For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven" summarizes this entire book.

There are many seasons of life, we are unfortunately living in a terrible season of life right now with Covid.  But like all seasons, it will eventually end and we will move on to another one.  We have to learn and grow with every season of life God puts us through.

"God has made everything beautiful for its own time.  He has planted eternity in the human heart."

So often when we go through difficult times in life we can't see or understand what God is doing.  Then, years, or even decades later we see the "beauty" or the "fruit" of what that time period produced.  In all our hearts is placed the knowledge of eternal life. 

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed".

We all need support in our lives, whether it's a marriage partner, family, or friend.  We help each other succeed in life.

I hope you enjoyed looking at my Bible Journaling pages this month and hearing some personal reflection of each verse.  I'd love to hear what some of these verse mean to you in the comments below.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

Linking Up with these Fabulous Blogs HERE!



  1. Proverbs is stuffed with wisdom! It must have been hard to choose a verse to feature on each page!

    1. It definitely is! The verses were already pre-printed on the pages of the Bible. All I had to do was color them in. Which is a good thing, but it would be hard to pick just one verse to feature.

  2. Good to hear your positive words. God bless you and all your family.

    1. Yes, definitely trying to stay positive and keep looking UP during these difficult times.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing these pages and messages.

    New Post - https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/12/babor-hsr-lifting-cream-filorga-hydra.html

  4. These are all such great quotes to live by and love how you highlighted the pages with the pretty coloring!

    1. They certainly are! If all lived by the book of Proverbs the world would be a much better place.

  5. So pretty! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my party #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 19, open until December 26 at 12:05 am. Shared on social media.

  6. Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up with me at the #FaithAndWorshipChristianWeekend 12, open until December 7 at 12:05 am. Shared again on social media.

  7. Your faithfulness to Bible study and journaling are admirable. I love the use of color in this month's pages. I had made Bible journaling once a week a bucket list activity and haven't done it once. So ashamed. Have my Bible here next to me to try to get started on it today.

    1. Thank you, but I struggle like anyone else. I use to never read my Bible. I felt I never had the time and I went to Bible College and already knew the Bible inside and out. If someone started quoting a verse, I could finish it. Then I found Bible Journaling and it gave me a fresh new way of studying the Bible that made it exciting and relevant to me again. Now I get upset if I can't find time in the day to read and Bible Journal more! The best thing I can recommend to get into the word faithfully is too start small. Just read one chapter a day. And if it's a long chapter, just read one page! I find I get more out of what I read if I only read small sections rather than try to consume a lot in one day.

  8. Beautiful post ! What type of bible is it ?

  9. Proverbs has so many great scriptures! Thanks for linking up with again for the #FaithAndWorshipChristianWeekend 12


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