Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Fall Garden Tour

My husband and I have been taking off every weekend to see all the beautiful fall colors in our state.  Last week when we got home we chuckled to ourselves that we drove hundreds of miles to see color when it was in our own backyard the whole time!  I usually share pictures of my garden when the flowers are in bloom, but this time I thought I'd share what my garden looks like when there are no flowers at all.  Because of all the color of the foliage, there is still so much beauty!

Enjoy the video below where I walk through my entire yard, followed by a few photos my husband took.


Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. That really is beautiful with all the fall colors around.

  2. Your garden is truly a joy no matter the season! Loving all these rich fall colors!

    1. Gardens can be interesting and beautiful any time of the year if done right. Thanks so much!

  3. There is so much beauty in every season Amy!! Just like with us and our lives and seasons!!

    1. Definitely! And we need to remind ourselves of that every time we look in the mirror!

  4. Such a beautiful garden. Very lovely.

  5. We are still up to our ears in summer...and 90+ temps. Thank you for sharing some of your fall with us. I am always enchanted by your garden, your yard. Love the splash of color the leaves add to the lawn, the yellow-leaved trees against the blue sky, and those flowers that I would have called black-eyed Susans but you are calling a very Latin-sounding name. Gorgeous.

    1. I wish you could send some of that warmth my way. It's freezing here already! It's in the 30s during the day and 20s at night. We're still getting out and enjoying the fall colors but it's miserably cold. I call the flowers Black-eyed Susans too. Rudbeckias are its scientific name. Thanks so much!

  6. You have so much color, right there in your backyard. Lovely, this is my favorite time of year. From Inspire Me Monday, Sandi

  7. Your house and garden look like from fairytale. These Autumn colors are so gorgeous, enjoy in these beautiful days.

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  8. Enjoyed your garden tour. Leaves are still green here in AL. Interesting about your home being historic. I wonder if it could be added to the National Registry of Historic Places? Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 17. Shared.

    1. Thank you. Yes, I keep hearing so many of you are still waiting for fall. In the meantime, here in Wisconsin we just got over 6 inches of snow yesterday. So ridiculous! We truly have only two seasons: summer and winter as spring and fall are always so short. Yes, I'm sure my home could be added but I was always told not to do that because then they control what you can do to your home. Not sure if that is true or not.

  9. I don't know either if that's true or not about the registry. Oh gosh, snow! I grew up where we had bad winters, ice and snow. Don't think my body could handle that now. At least your grandbabies can make a snowman or watch mom and dad make one!

    1. You got my interest so I googled it and apparently there are no strings unless you accept federal grant money to fix it up. It's just an honor and you get to put a nice shiny plaque in front of your house. It would be fun, but I'm not sure hubs would agree to it.

    2. Oh, that's interesting! There's an old house where I grew up that's on the registry. As a kid the place looked horrible and run down, looked like it was ready to cave in. I've seen recent pics of it and they must have gotten some grant money because it looks nice and improved now. The old man and woman that used to sit on the porch looked comfortable but I would not have dared to walk up the steps as they looked dangerous! Your house looks very nice though. I guess it depends on the situation and who the owners were and are, huh?

    3. I would imagine. Taking care of an old home is a lot of work. Ours has a strong field stone foundation and the old fashioned brick and mortar walls, which is why I think it has stood the test of time. There are major wall cracks on the 3rd level though. I've seen worse than cracks in historic homes though. I remember one home I toured where the upstairs was so slanted you could have used the floor as a slide.

    4. Yes, your foundation and the brick and mortar helps a great deal! The house I was referring to was not made of such.

  10. I love the country feel and the beautiful trees!

  11. Wow! This is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I'm visiting today from the Encouraging Hearts and Home link up. Have a great day Amy!

  12. Beautiful Fall color, Amy! Thanks for sharing with Creative Compulsions.


  13. Wow ! BEautiful.It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to gardening where you can share about plants and flowers here at

  14. Thanks for linking up to garden Affair.

  15. CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 18.

  16. Lovely .Thanks for sharing your garden on Garden Affair.


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