Sunday, June 2, 2019

Spring Garden 2019

I don't know if it's because we just came through one of the worst winters ever here in Wisconsin but my Spring Garden is looking especially gorgeous, lush, and colorful to me this year.  I usually only have spots of color in the spring, but it seems like my entire yard is filled with beautiful pastels this May.

It has been raining a lot, which has been frustrating me to no end because I can't get outside to plant my annuals.  I even lost a few annuals, they died in their pots, because I waited too long to plant them.  That is why I don't like to buy too early, but I have to, or there is nothing left in the greenhouses.  It's a game I play every single year.  I really wish the greenhouses would not open so early.  Technically, we can't even plant outside till May 31st as that is our last known frost date.

All but one of my crab apple trees were GORGEOUS this year.  I could not believe the blooms on this white one.  But sadly, another one didn't do well at all and it looks like we might lose it.  If we do, this will be the second crab apple tree we've lost since we bought our house 20 years ago.  These trees are touchy!  It makes me so sad to lose a crab apple.  Why do all the pretty trees have to be the most sensitive?

My tulips especially turned out great this year.  I'm wondering if it's because of the record snowfall we had?  They were certainly well insulated buried under four feet of snow.

I was so happy to see how well this little crab apple tree bloomed this year.  We almost lost this tree when bunnies or deer decided to eat at its trunk.  But somehow, suckers came up after the tree died, and my husband protected the suckers with chicken wire and it eventually grew into this beauty.  Can you believe it?

I love Bleeding Hearts but they are becoming a nuisance to me.  They reseed EVERYWHERE!  They have become like weeds in my garden.  I'm constantly pulling them up.  If anyone needs any Bleeding Heart plants, come and get em!

Close up of some pink blossoms from my crab apple blooms.

A few years ago I dug up and divided a lot of Grape Hyacinth bulbs and spread them through out my garden.  It was a lot of work, as there were a lot of tiny bulbs, but it really paid off as I have spots of this beautiful blue plant scattered everywhere in my yard.

Close up of a white crab apple blossom.

Leopards Bane

I love to go out and photograph my garden on a cloudy day after a rain.  The rain drops on the flowers is always so beautiful.

I hope you enjoyed touring my spring garden!

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. Lovely. What do you do as the tulips die down - to hide that browning foliage? Are there other perennials that cover them up? When do you cut the foliage? I know that we are supposed to leave it as they need to feed the bulb for next year.

    1. Thank you. Yes, that is a problem with flowering bulbs. You're right, you can't cut the foliage or you won't have nice flowers next year. I have a friend that's a real neat freak and she can't stand the foliage so she cuts it and guess what? She has no spring flowers the following year. I just grin and bear it. I leave it up till it yellows then pull them right out of the ground. You'll know it's safe to get rid of the foliage when you can easily pull it right out of the ground. If you can't, it's too early, and you should leave it alone. If the foliage is really messy/sloppy I tied it together and loop the ends in. Most of the time I have huge perennials that grow up around the tulips to hide their dying foilage.

  2. Such beautiful scenery in your garden again this spring! Your tulips are gorgous! And those flowering trees!! I think the cold winter must have killed my plum tree I planted a couple of years ago, surprisingly my Magnolia tree survived.

    1. Thank you! You know, we had a flowering plum died on us this year too! I didn't mention that one in this post because it never grew well, so we thought that's why it died.

  3. yes, your garden looks "gorgeous, lush, and colorful"...
    beautiful tulips, I love red and yellow ones...
    Have a wonderful weekend

    1. I love your spring garden. I find mine grows better after a cold winter as well. It seems to hold back the weeds. I always struggle a bit between Spring and Summer flowers .

    2. Thanks Anne. Yes, after the Iris bloom in June, there seems to be a lull before we see any more flowers.

  4. What a beautiful garden; I love all t he tulips.

  5. You have a lovely spring garden. I wrote about my spring gardening this week as well. It's so nice to have green and flowers after a dark, long winter. - Margy

    1. Thank you! I'll be over soon to check out your spring garden. Yes, I love spring, I think we appreciate flowers and summer more when we have such long winters.

  6. Oh my gosh, your garden is absolutely stunning! And your photos are beautiful. You must be so proud-it looks absolutely fantastic!

  7. Thanks so much for linking up at the #WednesdayAIMLinkParty 38! Shared ♥

  8. Such a wonderful place !
    My contribution: Lovely and tender,
    a beautiful bouquet.
    Best regards
    My contribution:

    1. Thank you! I'll be over soon to check out your post.

  9. Thanks so much for linking up at the #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 1! Pinned ♥

  10. This post was most clicked last week at Best of the Weekend Link Party! Thank you so much for sharing-- that picture of the back of your house is gorgeous!

    Liberty @

    1. That is so awesome! I'm rarely the most clicked because I'm late to most parties. Thanks for letting me know.

  11. So pretty and very popular this week at our Best of the Weekend Link Party! Your post was our most clicked of the week! We will be pinning and I will share on my Instagram stories this weekend. Congrats and enjoy your weekend!

  12. Beautiful landscaped yard, Amy! Love, love, love it.
    Pinning and Following :)

  13. Amazing!! Love, love, love your garden, a little piece of paradise! :-)



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