Sunday, November 20, 2016

My Fall Garden 2016

Many times when I am working in my garden, I am so overwhelmed by the amount of work to be done that I miss the beauty around me.  However, on this day, I don't know what happened, but that wasn't the case.  I was hard at work with fall garden chores and all of a sudden I just noticed how surrounded I was by bright, vibrant color.  I always have my IPhone in the garden with me, so I took a few minutes to just "Stop And Smell The Roses" and take a few pictures.

Trees are always the show offs in the fall.  When designing our garden, I made sure to plant a variety of trees that have different colors of foliage.  One of my favorites is this Autumn Blaze Maple.

This is my main big garden which I just finished cutting down and digging things up.  In the spring I'll lay newspaper down and cover it with wood chips.

I have two blue spruces in this garden, along with a variety of maples some which provide yellow fall foliage and others red.

I was surprised at my retaining wall garden.  It's done blooming for the year, we even had several frosts, yet the foliage on these perennials is so colorful!  Who needs blooms?

Perhaps most surprising of all is the vibrant foliage of my shrubs.  I don't know if it's because of all the rain we got this year, but I don't remember my shrubs ever looking this colorful before.

I love how the hosta leaves, even after being hit by frost, turn this beautiful yellow color!

I've only got one mum planted in my garden.  Mums do not do well in my zone, even the ones that say they are hardy. This mum I bought  at the grocery store during the winter and used  as a houseplant.  When it stopped blooming, I just put it in a sunny window and kept watering it.  When it was warm enough in the spring, I planted it in my garden.  Now I got a second bloom!  I doubt it will survive our cold winter, but I'm sure enjoying it's color now!

Our home is built above a river.  During the summer months you can't see this river for the weeds and brush is too high.  But in the fall and winter we have a beautiful view.

Out of all the shrubs in my garden, this one is my favorite.  I just have no idea what it is.  Everyone that comes to my house asks me, and I can never tell them.  I bought it at Shopko years ago.  It is covered with thorns (the only thing I don't like about it), and it has four seasons of interest.  In the spring it's covered with yellow flowers, in the summer it's a gorgeous green, in the fall it's bright red, and in the winter it is covered with red berries that the birds eat.

This is a view of my yard as seen from the far east side.  Yes, it's all mine.  Now you know why I have no time to craft or cook during the growing season.

I just love how nature mulches my garden for me and covers it with a layer of colorful leaves.

More gorgeous fall foliage on my shrubs.

I love viburnums because they not only have beautiful large flowers that change colors as the seasons go on, but these blooms dry on the shrub and remain there through the winter.  The foliage also turns a beautiful golden yellow.

A view of my large main garden as seen from the house.

If you read any of my fashion posts, you might have seen me take my fashion photos by the magnolia tree on the right center.  In the spring it has the most beautiful white blooms, and in the fall the leaves turn a gorgeous gold.

And finally, if you follow me on Instagram and saw any of my Instagram Stories you may have noticed this post.

I bought this Easter lily at Easter.  When the blooms faded, I placed it in a sunny window indoors.  When it was warm enough, I planted it outside and it is in bloom right now!

Well, that's it from me for gardening posts for the year, as I think my garden is officially done for the season now.  If I do post on Sunday over the winter, it will be a lifestyle or home decor post or a winter garden picture.

Have a Great Day!  Amy


  1. I love love love your garden posts. What a beautiful place!

  2. Could that red shrub be a barberry?

    1. No, I don't think so. I have barberrys in other parts of my yard and they are a deep red/burgundy year round, this one changes color it's green during the summer and red in fall. It also thrives and grows so much better than my barberrys. Those barely survive, and always seem to have portions die off.

  3. Your garden is so beautiful every season! I can imagine how much work it must be to keep up, but so worth it! Love the river view!
    How fun to have an Easter Lily bloom in fall!

  4. Such a beautiful garden, and I'm loving all the fall colors!

  5. Golly gee, Amy. Your gardens are quite lovely!! With all of that to take care of, I'm sure it keeps you out of trouble and off the sale sites for black Friday---ha ha!!

    1. Thanks Jodie! I won't be shopping Black Friday; but not for gardening reasons. We had our first snowfall already, so I think the garden chores are done for the year.

  6. Oh wow, that huge garden must keep you very busy. What a beautiful place to live - one more thing to be thankful for... Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you! I am thankful for all the nature I get to experience everyday.

  7. I always enjoy your gardening snaps/stories! I love to garden, too, but feel overwhelmed at times by the work and I don't enjoy it as much. I love that little house/shed and retaining wall garden!


    1. Thanks Carrie, it's overwhelming for me as well and most days I do not enjoy it, but I always love the way it looks!

  8. How very beautiful! Those leaves!


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