Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dressing for Fluctuating Temperatures

It's going to be sixty degrees today, but I'm still waiting for that last bit of snow to melt from last week's snowfalls.  Thankfully my husband went outside and shoveled the snow in front of my garden shed so I could at least get inside to get my tools to work in the areas of the garden where there is no snow.  Spring can be so frustrating.  It can never seem to make up it's mind whether it wants to warm up or stay winter forever.  Which makes dressing during this time of year especially difficult.  I tend to wear a lot of lightweight scarves in the spring, like the one I have on in today's post, because they keep me warm in the chilly mornings and evenings, yet I can easily remove them in the heat of the day.

We all know to dress in layers in the winter to keep the warmth in, but it really helps in the spring too because I can just remove layers as the temperatures rise.  I started on this chilly morning with a jacket, then removed that when it was no longer needed.  The chambray shirt (old, Old Navy), is perfect because it's thin, yet the long sleeves keep my arms warm.  If it gets really hot, I could even remove the shirt and just wear the white tee underneath.  

 For jewelry, I wore simple silver hoop earrings and bracelets, both old.
 As much as I would have loved to have worn a cute pair of flats or loafers with this outfit, there is still a lot of slush and muck around, so I stuck with my high, black, flat boots.
 The infinity scarf is from JCP (old) and is very unique because it has two different types of material:  a floral section with a frayed edge and a open-weave solid gauze section.  I really love it!
 My pants are from T.J. Maxx (old) and have a brown base with a black pattern on them.  They are skinny, ankle length pants.

 I'm carrying my black bucket bag from Express as usual, but I did just buy a new bag for spring (and it's NOT black) that I'm dying to start using.

I hope all the snow is melted and the temperatures are warm where you live!

Have a great day!

Linking up with Style Session,  Trendy Wednesday,  Pumps and Push Ups,  Jersey Girl/Texan Heart,  I Feel Pretty,  What I Wore Wednesday, and Confident Twosday.


  1. Catching up on my blogs and you were the first one that came to mind. Lol. Great outfit. I thought your black boots was the perfect choice. I got me a similar pair and wear-it-with-everything! lol.

  2. Weather is not goog, we need boots !!
    Superb look !

  3. Ah, I love your pretty printed lightweight spring scarf!! Perfect way to take your chambray shirt into spring!
    On the Daily Express

  4. The weather here has been really back and forth too. It was 80 last weekend and it's supposed to rain this weekend. I hope we all start getting more of those warm Spring days! Cute outfit!


  5. Great transition into spring outfit, the scarf lightens up the outfit and you are still warm.


    Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.


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