Monday, August 4, 2014

Fashion Over Fifty: Reminiscing the Maxi

Hello!  Sorry for my absence from Blog land this week  but I'm taking another Staycation to just hang out with my kids, and because of that I had to work a lot last week giving me no time to post.  

For this week's Fashion Over Fifty post (or shall I say last week's Fashion Over Fifty post since I'm about three days late! ), I'm going to reminisce about my very first fashion post.  The first picture below  started it all:  do you remember this post?  I've lost count over how times it has been re-pinned on Pinterest:  it's well over 1000 and a very hot topic.  I've gotten a lot comments and emails from women all over the nation and the world thanking me for doing Fashion Over Fifty posts and asking me to continue because they want to see want to see fashionable clothes on older women who 'look like them' and are not all young and skinny.  Even though my blog started as a paper crafting blog with a little bit of interior decorating and gardening posts, it has been my fashion posts that have generated the most interest.  I get three times as many hits on a fashion post than I do on a paper crafting post:  which shows me that people are very interested in fashion for the mature woman.

In this post, I talked about maxi dresses and how some people have been saying that women over a 'certain age' shouldn't wear them.  The consensus on Pinterest has been 'YES, older women can wear maxi skirts!'  and they shouldn't be limited to what they want to wear because of their age.  

In celebration of my very first Fashion Over Fifty post, I decided to do another post where I am wearing a maxi skirt.  It's been over a year, and maxi skirts and dresses are more popular than ever!  This time, instead of wearing a printed maxi dress, I am wearing a black, knit maxi skirt.  It has a large waist band, so if I wanted to I could pull the skirt over my bust line and wear it as a dress.  The soft, knit material is so comfortable.  I bought it for only $19.99 at J.C. Penney (now I see it is marked down to $17.99!).  I wore a metallic silver tee shirt from The Gap, and tied it in a knot on the side.  I wore the same shirt in THIS POST with pajama pants.
 For jewelry I wore a black and silver bracelet and a long charm necklace.
 I just love the metallic sheen on this shirt.  It is so unusual and is something I never would have noticed or purchased had not the sales associate pointed it out.  He was just putting them out on the sales floor and said 'Have you seen our new metallic tee shirts?  We just got them in!'.  They must have sold out quickly, since I haven't seen them since!
 For shoes I just wore a simple black open toe sandal. They have a silver metallic ring in the center of the strap.
 I tied the shirt in a knot on the side to give my outfit a little bit more structure and show off the waistband of the skirt.
 The charm necklace has a little black and silver heart, a silver feather, and an actual black feather.

And since we're speaking of how popular maxi dresses and skirts are this season, I was at the Wisconsin State Fair this past weekend, and everywhere I looked were women wearing beautiful maxi dresses.  I snapped a picture of this lovely older woman wearing this gorgeous dress:  
She was probably older than seventy, and I thought she looked absolutely breath taking in this dress.  She didn't know I was photographing her, I would have asked, but she got lost in the crowd too quickly, so that is why I am only showing you only her back side.  I was just very inspired to see an older woman wearing the current trends and wanted to share it with all of you.

What about you?  Have you worn a maxi dress or skirt this season yet?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a great day!  Amy


  1. Amy this is such a nice post . Love seeing how you first started your style posts. Growing up with a fashion forward mom I never thought style would have an age limit, always felt like one could take the trends and make it age appropriate and classy. Thanks for showing how true this is. Love the maxis on you and the older lady with the maxi dress- just fab! XOXO, Elif

  2. Hi Amy, Thanks for another nice issue and yes i have a maxidress this summer in the colour kakigreen. (Armygreen) but i didnt wear iT yet and i don't know why. Thanks of your post I will wear it in the coming weekend i promiss.
    Have a nice day! Ageeth

  3. Wonderful ! your're very pretty ! Love maxidresses !

  4. I remember your first post, love that version and the new version too. I do not have a maxi but just spent a day shopping with my sister who is two years older than me and she bought three of them. They look great on her too. Keep up the good work Amy, love your fashion posts!


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