Saturday, December 25, 2010

McMahon Five Designs and Breast Cancer Awareness

Hello and Merry Christmas everyone! I'm sure NO ONE is looking at my blog today, being it's Christmas and all, but I'm sure some people will pop on over in the next few days and see this post, so it's still worth it. First of all, I'd like to announce that I was selected as a designer for McMahon Five Designs. I'm really excited about it, because they are a great company that sells not just digitals, but also stamps and just about anything you could use in paper-crafting. The company also has several different illustrators, so there is quite a diversity of styles for me to play with. And what I really love about this company is that they have a lot of vintage images that are not original artwork, but are free domain old images that are cleaned up, restored, or even completely redrawn to make it easier for paper crafters to play with them! I'm very anxious to begin working with the vintage images. Now most of you are probably wondering, what about Wink Wink Ink and the Digital Tuesday Challenge? I still plan on continuing with both of those commitments. The Digital Tuesday Challenge is obviously posted on Tuesday, McMahon Five Designs will be posted on Thursday, and I can post my Wink Wink Ink projects any day of the week, so I see no conflicts. And if time becomes an issue, I can always use a digital from one of the two companies for the Digital Tuesday Challenge and 'kill two birds with one stone' as the saying goes.

Anyhow, now onto today's post and my first McMahon Five Design Card. On the 25th of every month, McMahon 5 Design does a "Breast Cancer Awareness Freebie". They encourage you to do your monthly self-exam and then give you a Free Digi in reward. Here is the Freebie this month:

And here is the card I made with the Freebie 'Hope'. I used a sketch from Cindy Haffner (CAC66). The paper is Pretty in Pink and the new Bo Bunny Valentine Pad. I freely stitched around the edges with my sewing machine and put a doily in the background. The pink breast cancer ribbon is a brad.

Have a great day! Amy


  1. Congrats on the dt my friend!! You will be such an asset to Sue's team and she is blessed to have you.

    Gorgeous and soft card!! Love your design!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! May the joy and peace of Christmas remain with you through out the new year.

  2. Congrats, Amy!!!! They are very lucky to have you on their team! Merry Christmas, dear friend!

  3. Merry Christmas! Hope you are enjoying this day with your family.

    Congrats on the DT selection. Vintage themed images are right up your alley so I'm sure you'll find lots of inspiration.

    I like the doily behind your image. Very pretty.

  4. Beautiful card, Amy! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  5. So pretty!! Love the softness of this and that doily behind is lovely =) Beautiful job!!

  6. Hi Amy! Beautiful job on the latest BCA image! Love your awareness button too! Perfect touch! We are excited to have you joining us!!!

    Happy New Year!


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