Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Coloring Through the Book of Psalms

Many of my regular readers know I Bible Journal and use to regularly post my Bible Journaling pages.  I had to stop Bible Journaling because it is very time consuming.  My garden just really ate up a lot of time in the growing season and during the winter I was recovering from hip surgery.  I did find another creative outlet to Bible Journaling that wasn't quite as complex and less time consuming, and that is a coloring book of Psalms.  Here I read a psalm, write some reflections about the psalm, and then color a page while I meditate on that psalm.  I purchased my book at a local Christian boutique, but you can also buy it on AMAZON.

The first pages of the book has a lovely floral design you can color or leave blank if you wish.  I chose to color mine.  On all the pages, my coloring medium of choice was colored pencils so they wouldn't bleed through to the other side.

There is a page where you can write in to whom you are gifting the book and leave a message.  I left mine blank since it was to myself.

The beginning pages of the book.

There is an "introduction" page where you can read how to get the most of your book.

Each page has a date, which I ignored, as I couldn't keep up with reading on those exact dates.  A verse is highlighted at the top, and then there is a psalm to read (or just a portion of a psalm) and a space to write some reflections about the psalm.  

You might be thinking, I couldn't possibly color an entire page a day.  You are correct.  Neither could I.  There are approximately five or six non-coloring pages in-between the coloring pages. I would usually read one page a day, then color for a short while.  By the time I was done reading five or six pages, I had the entire page colored.

I used a Bible Commentary to get ideas of what to write about in the reflections section.  I would read the psalm, then google the Enduring Word Bible Commentary to see what they had to say about the psalm.  I would write down the highlights of the commentary.  You can do whatever works for you.  You can just jot down your own personal reflections.  I did this to help me dig into God's Word more.

I know we shouldn't put God on the back burner, or neglect our daily devotions, but we do have seasons of life that are just crazier than others and this was a way to keep me in God's word in a more simple, less time consuming way.

I think this is also a great book for people that don't like to Bible Journal because it requires too much creativity.  Coloring is simple and relaxing, and everyone can enjoy it no matter their skill level. 

I love to color and I found coloring these pages, meditating on the verses as I colored so therapeutic.

Some pages are easier and more enjoyable to color than others.  I always love coloring pretty flowers like in the page above.  I dislike coloring busy pages like the one below, but I did it anyway, working a little bit on it everyday trying to memorize the scripture at the same time.

 I will be back next week with more pages from this book, plus I'll show you a new coloring devotional book I just got in the mail.  It is perfect for winter.

Have A Great Day!  Amy

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  1. This is beautiful!! You are doing a great job with it!

  2. Thank you so much for this recommendation! I've been thinking of getting a devotional coloring book.

  3. Amy, I love this! I can't wait to revisit your blog and see the newest coloring devotional you received. I'm sure it's just as lovely as this one. Thank you for sharing at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party #62.

    ♡ Steph@CrazyLittleLovebirds

    1. Thank you so much! I will post that one too, I'm still busy coloring in it. You're welcome.

    2. You're very welcome! Featuring your post tomorrow at The Crazy Little Lovebirds link party. :)

    3. Oh wow! That's awesome news. Thanks so much!

  4. I really love this! What a great idea. I need to get it!

  5. Amy, I love this concept. And as always you do such lovely work.
    Thank you so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month sweet friend.


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