Friday, February 12, 2016

Why Everyone Should Love and Celebrate Valentine's Day and a Cutesy Valentine Outfit

Happy early Valentines Day everyone!  I absolutely LOVE Valentine's Day!  I get so excited when the middle of January draws near and the Christmas decorations have been put away for another year...for I can now fill my house with hearts and love accents!

But apparently not everyone feels this way.   I can't even begin to tell you how many blog posts or statements I have read in the past month where someone has said "We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day....we express our love all year long", or "We don't do really do anything, we prefer a quiet evening at home", and "We don't give each other gifts on Valentine's Day, it's just a commercialized holiday created by Hallmark."  To all that I say "HOGWASH!" 

Yes, we should be expressing our love to our partners all year long, but why not have one or two extra special days a year where you can make an extra effort to show someone you care?  Is there really that much love in the world that a little more isn't necessary?  We seem to have no problems celebrating religious or patriotic holidays even though most of us are thankful to God or are patriotic all year long too!  So what is up with the resistance to celebrating Valentines Day?

For a lot of people, I think it's disappointment.  They have a partner who isn't romantic so they don't want to set themselves up to get too excited for the holiday only to be disappointed.  I get that.  My husband was very unromantic in the early years of our marriage.  But he has changed since, drastically!  Now he could win a medal in the romance department!  If your partner isn't the romantic type, just be patient, he or she will get there eventually.  And in the meantime,  you romance him or her!  You'd be surprised at the response you will get!

For others,  money maybe the  issue.  I get that one too.  We had a lot of years early in our marriage where we couldn't afford to hire a sitter or go out for the evening.  That's when you get creative.  You put the kids to bed early, make a romantic meal together, eat by candlelight, and watch a Nicolas Sparks DVD.

Other people don't have a romantic partner in their life, so Valentine's Day makes them sad.  Well then go out and have some fun!  One Valentine's Day my bachelor son went to see a romantic chick flick with a bunch of buddies.  They had a blast!  Find other singles, and go out dancing and partying the night away!  Pick yourself up a gorgeous bouquet of roses and a delicious box of chocolates while your at it too!

And remember, Valentine's Day isn't just for a romantic partner....use this day to show all the special people in your life how much you love them!  All their lives I gave my children Valentine cards and goodies so they would know how much their parents love them.  I still do!

When Christmas is over, and the holiday decorations come down, life can become pretty dreary during the cold, brutal months of January, February, and March.  I look forward to the warmth of love Valentine's Day brings.  I decorate my house for Valentines Day, buy or make special Valentine Treats and cards,  and I try and think of something extra special that my husband and I  can do together.  You have every other single day of the year to "have a quiet evening at home",  get out and CELEBRATE this Valentine's Day!

Now I have a cute Valentine Day outfit to show you.  I decided to stay true to the colors of Valentine's Day and wear a red and white striped top (Old Navy) and red shoes!

I paired my top with white skinny jeans by a.n.a (old, J.C. Penney) and a blue jean jacket (old, Express).

I think this is such a cute look, but unfortunately it will be too cold this Valentine's Day for me to wear it.  My feet would get frostbite in minutes!  But I can't wait to wear it this spring!

The top has a drop sleeve and is actually a bit on the short side for length, so it doesn't tuck in very well.

I accessorized my top with a red and silver bracelet (also from Old Navy) and an old silver metallic cross body bag).

I picked up these cute shoes on clearance somewhere...I can't remember where.  I always check the clearance racks for fun shoes whenever I go shopping.  You never know what you will find!

I kinda felt like the "Where's Waldo?" cartoon character when I first put this outfit on.  So I googled him and discovered he wears blue pants and a red and white I'm safe!  Whew!

Now your probably wondering what I'm actually going to wear.  I still don't know.  I went shopping last Friday to look for something, and even though there's a lot of great winter clearance right now, I just was not in the mood to buy any more winter items.  My mind is thinking SPRING, and I'd rather wear something I already own in my closet and save my money for new items for the warmer months.

The only thing for sure that I know is that my outfit has to be warm (it's only going to be twenty degrees on Valentine's Day) and it has to be dressy.  We are going to the big city to see the Broadway tour of "Newsies", then out to dinner, and an evening in a nice hotel.  I don't think I'll wear a dress, but maybe some nice dress pants with a pretty sweater....we'll see.  You can be sure I'll post my outfit with lots of stories of our adventure in the big city as well!

So what about you?  How will you be celebrating Valentine's Day?  What will you be wearing?  I'd love to hear from you!

Have a great day!  Amy

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  1. Growing up in Europe, Valentine's Day was considered a Catholic holiday, I come from a mostly Protestant community so it was never celebrated. Now living in the US I usually make little treat bags for my kids. And then we bake some Valentine's treats. I never was a huge fan of Valentine's day, probably because I didn't grow up with that holiday, and also I have to admit, each year I notice more and more commercializing of holidays- not only this one- I have no issue with with going out to do something nice, like you and your husband are, but honestly all these perfume, jewelry and watches ads for Valentines are just driving me crazy LOL.

  2. You are just so cute Amy! I love your enthusiasm for Valentine's Day. When my kids were little, I used to do it up! Decorations, heart shaped food and treats. Now that it is just my husband an myself, it is a bit more subdued. Have a great time with your hubby! I can't wait to hear (and see!) all about it!

  3. You are a wonderful wife Amy and a doll!! I'm with you I like celebrating the sweetness of Valentine's Day and the wonderful people in our lives that make it so lovely! Not only do I get a gift for my husband, I get sweet treats for my mom, friends and sons as well I think it's great to celebrate love!! You look so adorable I absolutely love those red shoes, sweet as can be!

  4. Amy, first, I love this post! I'm all for celebrating Valentine's Day in whatever capacity you can! My husband and I are definitely in the category where money is an issue to truly celebrate it, but we do intend to treat ourselves to a dinner out. I also love that outfit! The shoes are gorgeous and I love the red top with the white pants. It gives me ideas for my own valentines look:)

  5. Amy, your post really made me smile! Your enthusiasm for the day is wonderful! I must say though, don't underestimate an evening at home on Valentine's Day :) My husband and l truly have the best time celebrating the day right at home. We always make it extra-special and in addition to our favorite wine, bread, playlist,candles, etc., this year we decided that we would unearth every card and love letter we have ever written to each other and enjoy reading them aloud. I think it will be great fun!

    In the meantime, have a wonderful time with your husband! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  6. Yes having a partner that's romantic really affects how you feel about the love holiday! I'd love to see your house decor.

  7. WOnderful !
    Happy Valentine's day Amy !

  8. Adorable V Day look & so springy too!

    Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday & happy Valentine's Day!

    Dawn Lucy

  9. Very cute look for the holiday and I LOVE those red shoes! I always check the clearance racks for fun shoes, too. Great tips on different ways to celebrate the holiday. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday! Hope to see you back this week, Amy.

    Jennie - A Pocketful of Polka Dots


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